Hart, Charles Henry 1847- Robert Lettis Hooper, Deputy Quarter-master General in the Continental Army and Vice-president of New Jersey
Cochrane, Charles Henry The History of the Town of Marlborough, Ulster County, New York: From the First Settlement in 1712, by Capt. Wm. Bond, to 1887
Douglas, Charles Henry James The Financial History of Massachusetts: From the Organization of the Massachusetts Bay Company to the American Revolution
Carey, Henry Charles Principles Of Political Economy: Part The Third: Of The Causes Which Retard Increase In The Numbers Of Mankind. Part The Fourth: Of The Causes Which ... Improvement In The Political Condition Of Man
Hartshorne, Charles Henry Memoirs Chiefly Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Northumberland; Volume 1
Cros, Charles Henry Henry L'encaustique et les Autres Procédés de Peinture Chez les Anciens: Histoire et Technique
Pichon, Jérôme Vie De Charles-Henry, Comte De Hoym, Ambassadeur De Saxe-Pologne En France: Et Célèbre Amateur De Livres, 1694-1736; Volume 2
Lea, Henry Charles 1825-1909 Chapters From the Religious History of Spain Connected With the Inquisition
Major, Charles When Knighthood Was in Flower: Or, the Love Story of Charles Brandon and Mary Tudor the King's Sister, and Happening in the Reign of His August Majesty King Henry the Eighth
Owen, Charles Henry The Principles and Practice of Modern Artillery, Including Artillery Material, Gunnery and Organization and use of Artillery in Warfare
Grand Opera House, London, Ont., Programme [microform]: Thursday, Feb. 7th, Mr. Charles Dickson and Company, the Entertainment Will Commence With "The ... the German of C.A. Garner, by Henry Doblin .
Stephenson, Charles Henry Some Micro-Chemical Tests for Alkaloids: Including Chemical Tests of the Alkaloids Used [By] C. E. Parker
Lang, Henry Charles Rhopalocera Europæ Descripta et Delineata: The Butterflies of Europe Described & Figured; Volume I
Carey, Henry Charles The Slave Trade, Domestic and Foreign; Why It Exists, and How It May Be Extinguished: in large print
Stocking, Charles Henry Wright The Stocking Ancestry: Comprising the Descendants of George Stocking, Founder of the American Famil
Press, Vintage Revisited Vintage Art: Charles Henry Bennett: 20 Fine Art Prints: Anthropomorphic Animal Ephemera for Home Decor and Collages
Pope, Charles Henry The Pioneers of Massachusetts, a Descriptive List, Drawn From Records of the Colonies, Towns and Churches and Other Contemporaneous Documents
White, Henry The Massacre of St. Bartholomew: Preceded by a History of the Religious Wars in the Reign of Charles IX
Caffin, Charles Henry American Masters of Sculpture: Being Brief Appreciations of Some American Sculptors and of Some Phases of Sculpture in America
Hartshorne, Charles Henry An Endeavour to Classify the Sepulchral Remains in Northamptonshire; Or, a Discourse On Funeral Monuments in That County
Jouin, Henry Charles Le Brun Et Les Arts Sous Louis Xiv [i.e. Quatorze]: Le Premier Peintre, Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre, Ses Ecrits, Ses Contemporains, Son Influence, Volume 4...
Wright, Charles Henry H Memoir of John Lovering Cooke, With a Sketch of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-58
Jouin, Henry Charles Le Brun Et Les Arts Sous Louis Xiv [i.e. Quatorze]: Le Premier Peintre, Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre, Ses Ecrits, Ses Contemporains, Son Influence, Volume 4...
Carey, Henry Charles Letters To The President: On The Foreign And Domestic Policy Of The Union, And Its Effects, As Exhibited In The Condition Of The People And The State
Cornwall A Calendar of Inquisitiones Post Mortem for and Devon: From Henry III to Charles I, 1216-1649
Burr, Charles Henry The Treaty-Making Power of the United States and the Methods of Its Enforcement As Affecting the Police Powers of the States