Rezek, Antoine Ivan History Of The Diocese Of Sault Ste, Marie And Marquette: Containing A Full And Accurate Account Of The Development Of The Catholic Church In Upper ... And Illustrations Of Churches Old And New
Rezek, Antoine Ivan History Of The Diocese Of Sault Ste, Marie And Marquette: Containing A Full And Accurate Account Of The Development Of The Catholic Church In Upper ... And Illustrations Of Churches Old And New
Formby, Henry 1817-1884 The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church, or, The Seven Pillars of the House of Wisdom. A Brief Explanation of the Catholic Doctrine of the Seven ... Corresponding Types in the Old Testament
Formby, Henry 1817-1884 The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church, or, The Seven Pillars of the House of Wisdom. A Brief Explanation of the Catholic Doctrine of the Seven ... Corresponding Types in the Old Testament
The Offices of the Old Catholic Prayer-Book
The Offices of the Old Catholic Prayer-Book
Catholics, Old Beschlüsse der ersten Synode der Altkatholiken des deutschen Reiches gehalten zu Bonn am 27., 28. und 29. Mai 1874.
Catholics, Old Beschlüsse der ersten Synode der Altkatholiken des deutschen Reiches gehalten zu Bonn am 27., 28. und 29. Mai 1874.
Christmastide, a Catholic Treasury for Young and Old
Christmastide, a Catholic Treasury for Young and Old
Catholics, Old