Child, Francis James On Early English Pronunciation, With Especial Reference to Shakespeare and Chaucer: Illustrations of the Pronunciation of English in the Xviith, ... of English. Abstracts of Schmeller'

Schouler, James A Treatise on the law of the Domestic Relations: Embracing Husband and Wife, Parent and Child, Guar

Schouler, James Law of the Domestic Relations, Embracing Husband and Wife, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Infancy, and Master and Servant

Boyd, James Robert The Child's Book On The Westminster Shorter Catechism: Forming An Easy Introduction And Help For Understanding That Work, And Committing It To Memory

Child, Francis James On Early English Pronunciation, With Especial Reference to Shakespeare and Chaucer: Illustrations of the Pronunciation of English in the Xviith, ... of English. Abstracts of Schmeller'

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