Claypool, S. Kelsee The Hero
Claypool, S. Kelsee The Hero
Claypool, Forrest The Daley Show: Inside the Transformative Reign of Chicago's Richard M. Daley
Claypool, Forrest The Daley Show: Inside the Transformative Reign of Chicago's Richard M. Daley
Valloch, Gregory S. The Great War Through a Doughboy's Eyes: Corporal Howard P Claypoole's Diaries and Letters home from Enlistment to his discharge after World War I
Valloch, Gregory S. The Great War Through a Doughboy's Eyes: Corporal Howard P Claypoole's Diaries and Letters home from Enlistment to his discharge after World War I
Claypool, S. Kelsee The Hero
Claypool, S. Kelsee The Hero
Claypool, S.