Shakespeare, William The Complete Works of Shakespeare, From the Original Text: Carefully Collated and Compared With the Editions of Halliwell, Knight, and Colloer: With ... Play; and a Life of the Great Dramatist: 2

Brent, Chester Horton 1892- The Descendants of Collo, Giles Brent, Capt. George Brent and Robert Brent, Gent, Immigrants to Maryland and Virginia / by Chester Horton Brent.

D'Herbois, Jean-Marie Collot L' Inconnu, Ou Le Préjugé Nouvellement Vaincu: Comédie En Trois Actes Et En Prose...

Shakespeare, William The Complete Works of Shakespeare, From the Original Text: Carefully Collated and Compared With the Editions of Halliwell, Knight, and Colloer: With ... Play; and a Life of the Great Dramatist: 2

1756-1819, Billaud-Varenne Lettre du sensible Carrier au bienfesant Collot-d'Herbois remise par le vertueux Billaud-Varennes

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