Martin, Cuningham William Proposed Railway Through Siberia .. Cuninghame, William A Dissertation on the Seals and Trumpets of the Apocalypse, and the Prophetical Period of Twelve Hun Cuninghame, William A Dissertation on the Seals and Trumpets of the Apocalypse, and the Prophetical Period of Twelve Hun Frere, James Hatley A Combined View of the Prophecies of Daniel, Esdras, and St. John: Also, a Minute Explanation of the Prophecies of Daniel; Together With Critical ... Particularly Mr. Faber and Mr. Cuninghame Ruby Cuningham OUR LITTLE SECRET Cuninghame, William The Apostasy of the Church of Rome and the Identity of the Papal Power ... Paterson, James History Of The Counties Of Ayr And Wigton: Pts. 1-2. Cuninghame