Eric Ed044018: The Multiplier Handbook.
Eric Ed044018: The Multiplier Handbook.
Eric Ed035551: Some Ideas About Number Theory.
Eric Ed035551: Some Ideas About Number Theory.
Eric Ed032986: Iroquois Culture.
Eric Ed032986: Iroquois Culture.
Eric Ed035548: Secret Codes, Remainder Arithmetic, and Matrices.
Eric Ed035548: Secret Codes, Remainder Arithmetic, and Matrices.
Eric Ed044925: Contributions of Film Introductions and Film Summaries to Learning From Instructional Films.
Eric Ed044925: Contributions of Film Introductions and Film Summaries to Learning From Instructional Films.
Eric Ed044927: The Effect of Attention Gaining Devices on Film-Mediated Learning.
Eric Ed044927: The Effect of Attention Gaining Devices on Film-Mediated Learning.
Eric Ed013360: Personality and Conformity.
Eric Ed013360: Personality and Conformity.
Eric Ed017540: The Role of Integration in Education.
Eric Ed017540: The Role of Integration in Education.
Eric Ed021513: An Investigation of "Cloze" Items in the Measurement of Achievement in Foreign Languages.
Eric Ed021513: An Investigation of "Cloze" Items in the Measurement of Achievement in Foreign Languages.
Eric Ed044921: An Experiment in Museum Instruction.
Eric Ed044921: An Experiment in Museum Instruction.
Eric Ed016357: Campus Design Study, Duke University.
Eric Ed016357: Campus Design Study, Duke University.
Eric Ed014880: An Investigation of "Teaching Machine" Variables Using Learning Programs in Symbolic Logic.
Eric Ed014880: An Investigation of "Teaching Machine" Variables Using Learning Programs in Symbolic Logic.
Eric Ed046810: Education in France.
Eric Ed046810: Education in France.
Eric Ed185848: Persian Basic Course: Volume II, Lessons 19-28.
Eric Ed185848: Persian Basic Course: Volume II, Lessons 19-28.
Eric Ed035550: Recreational Mathematics.
Eric Ed035550: Recreational Mathematics.
Eric Ed030679: Community Action for Youth. Summary.
Eric Ed030679: Community Action for Youth. Summary.
Eric Ed019310: Findings and Recommendations.
Eric Ed019310: Findings and Recommendations.
Eric Ed543726: Teachers of Children Who Are Blind: A Report Based on the Findings From the Study "Qualification and Preparation of Teachers of Exceptional Children". Bulletin, 1955, No. 10
Eric Ed543726: Teachers of Children Who Are Blind: A Report Based on the Findings From the Study "Qualification and Preparation of Teachers of Exceptional Children". Bulletin, 1955, No. 10
Eric Ed018066: An Auditorium Teaching Facility.
Eric Ed018066: An Auditorium Teaching Facility.
Eric Ed543342: With Liberty and Justice for All. Bulletin, 1948, No. 15
Eric Ed543342: With Liberty and Justice for All. Bulletin, 1948, No. 15
Eric Ed168951: Fourth National Conference on Citizenship.
Eric Ed168951: Fourth National Conference on Citizenship.
Eric Ed148158: Conversational Tamil.
Eric Ed148158: Conversational Tamil.
Eric Ed543873: Foreign Language Laboratories in Schools and Colleges. Bulletin, 1959, No. 3
Eric Ed543873: Foreign Language Laboratories in Schools and Colleges. Bulletin, 1959, No. 3
Eric Ed108469: The Presentation of Welsh as a Second Language: Some Suggestions. Pamphlet No. 8.
Eric Ed108469: The Presentation of Welsh as a Second Language: Some Suggestions. Pamphlet No. 8.
Eric Ed148158: Conversational Tamil.
Eric Ed148158: Conversational Tamil.
Eric Ed543932: Teachers of Children Who Are Hard of Hearing: A Report Based on the Findings From the Study, "Qualification and Preparation of Teachers of Exceptional Children." Bulletin, 1959, No. 24
Eric Ed543932: Teachers of Children Who Are Hard of Hearing: A Report Based on the Findings From the Study, "Qualification and Preparation of Teachers of Exceptional Children." Bulletin, 1959, No. 24
Eric Ed018603: Supervised Training for Agricultural Employment for Students of Vocational Agriculture in Arkansas.
Eric Ed018603: Supervised Training for Agricultural Employment for Students of Vocational Agriculture in Arkansas.
Eric Ed168952: Fifth National Conference on Citizenship.
Eric Ed168952: Fifth National Conference on Citizenship.
Eric Ed027129: Sociocultural Origins and Migration Patterns of Young Men From Eastern Kentucky.
Eric Ed027129: Sociocultural Origins and Migration Patterns of Young Men From Eastern Kentucky.
Eric Ed031921: The Effects of Inserted Questions and Statements on Film Learning; Rapid Mass Learning. Technical Report.
Eric Ed031921: The Effects of Inserted Questions and Statements on Film Learning; Rapid Mass Learning. Technical Report.
Eric Ed168953: Sixth National Conference on Citizenship.
Eric Ed168953: Sixth National Conference on Citizenship.
Eric Ed053110: How Censorship Affects the School.
Eric Ed053110: How Censorship Affects the School.
Eric Ed168954: Seventh National Conference on Citizenship.
Eric Ed168954: Seventh National Conference on Citizenship.
BANNO, ERIC GENKI VOL.2 WORKBOOK (3E ED. en 2021): an Integrated Course in Elementary Japanse
BANNO, ERIC GENKI VOL.2 WORKBOOK (3E ED. en 2021): an Integrated Course in Elementary Japanse
Eric Ed063699: A Comparative Study of Four Types of Treatment in Improving Adjustment and School Achievement of Gifted Underachievers.
Eric Ed063699: A Comparative Study of Four Types of Treatment in Improving Adjustment and School Achievement of Gifted Underachievers.
Eric Ed031034: Schools For Team Teaching. Profiles of Significant Schools.
Eric Ed031034: Schools For Team Teaching. Profiles of Significant Schools.
Eric Ed035271: Results of Initial Experiment in Automated Teaching.
Eric Ed035271: Results of Initial Experiment in Automated Teaching.
Eric Ed013904: Improving Supervised Practice in Vocational Agriculture.
Eric Ed013904: Improving Supervised Practice in Vocational Agriculture.
Eric Ed047904: The Future of the Teaching of Reading.
Eric Ed047904: The Future of the Teaching of Reading.
Eric Ed045546: Education in Czechoslovakia.
Eric Ed045546: Education in Czechoslovakia.
Eric Ed074413: Dissonance Reduction Through Shifting Occupational Involvement.
Eric Ed074413: Dissonance Reduction Through Shifting Occupational Involvement.
Eric Ed010477: Cours de Langue Francaise Destine Aux Jeunes Franco-Americains ("Bowdoin Materials").
Eric Ed010477: Cours de Langue Francaise Destine Aux Jeunes Franco-Americains ("Bowdoin Materials").
Eric Ed015450: The Effectiveness of Programmed "Grafdrils" in Teaching the Arabic Writing System.
Eric Ed015450: The Effectiveness of Programmed "Grafdrils" in Teaching the Arabic Writing System.
Eric Ed041494: An Evolutionary Sketch of Russian Kinship.
Eric Ed041494: An Evolutionary Sketch of Russian Kinship.
Eric Ed036987: Planning and Equipping the School Lunchroom.
Eric Ed036987: Planning and Equipping the School Lunchroom.
Eric Ed023021: Special Education.
Eric Ed023021: Special Education.
Eric Ed544123: Blind Children: Degree of Vision, Mode of Reading -- An Analysis of Children Registered With the American Printing House for the Blind ... of the Blind". Bulletin, 1961, No. 24....
Eric Ed544123: Blind Children: Degree of Vision, Mode of Reading -- An Analysis of Children Registered With the American Printing House for the Blind ... of the Blind". Bulletin, 1961, No. 24....
Eric Ed543826: Speech Correctionists: The Competencies They Need for the Work They Do: A Report Based on Findings From the Study, "Qualification, and ... Exceptional Children". Bulletin, 1957, No. 19
Eric Ed543826: Speech Correctionists: The Competencies They Need for the Work They Do: A Report Based on Findings From the Study, "Qualification, and ... Exceptional Children". Bulletin, 1957, No. 19
Damster ED, Eric