Wager, Daniel E Col. Marinus Willett, the Hero of Mohawk Valley: An Address Before the Oneida Historical Society

Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel E. Friedrich Schleiermacher's Sammtliche Werke. Abth. 1, Bd. 1-8, 11-13; Abth. Ii, Bd. 1-10; Abth. Iii, Achter Band

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Alleger, Daniel E Fertile Lands of Friendship: the Florida-Costa Rican Experiment in International Agricultural Cooperation
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Kelly, Joseph E The Williamses of Baker County: Including in Part a Geneological [sic] Record of the Descendants of Grandfather John Daniel (Jocham) Williams

Dalgado, Daniel Gelanio Flora De Goa E Savantvadi: Catalogo Methodico Das Plantas Medicinaes, Alimentares E Industriaes

Bianchi, Daniela Gea. Sussidiario delle discipline. Tomo antropologico. Con Storia, Geografia, Le mie mappe, HUB kids, HUB kit. Per la 4ª classe della Scuola elementare. Con e-book. Con espansione online (Vol. 1)

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