Dasent, George Webbe The Vikings of the Baltic: A Tale of the North in the Tenth Century; Volume 1 Dasent, George Webbe Three to One: Vol. 1 Dasent, George Webbe Jest and Earnest: Vol. 1 Dasent, George Webbe Popular Tales From the Norse Dasent, G. Tales from the Fjeld Dasent, G. W. The Vikings of the Baltic: Vol. 1 Dasent, George W. The Story Of Burnt Njal: Or Life In Iceland At The End Of The 10. Century; Volume 2 Dasent, George Webbe The Prose: Or Younger Edda Commonly Ascribed to Snorri Sturluson Dasent, G. W. The Vikings of the Baltic: Vol. 3 Dasent, George Webbe The Vikings of the Baltic: A Tale of the North in the Tenth Century; Volume 1 Dasent, George Webbe Popular Tales from the Norse Dasent, George Webbe The Vikings of the Baltic: A Tale of the North in the Tenth Century; Volume 3 Dasent, George Webbe A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongu Dasent, George Webbe The Story of Gisli the Outlaw Dasent, G. W. The Vikings of the Baltic: Vol. 2 Dasent, G. W. The Vikings of the Baltic: Vol. 2 Dasent, George Webbe The Story of Gisli the Outlaw Frasier Dasent, Joann A Farmer, His Son and Their Mule Dasent, George Webbe The Story of Burnt Njal: From the Icelandic of the Njals Saga Dasent, George Webbe The Vikings of the Baltic: A Tale of the North in the Tenth Century; Volume 3 Dasent, George Webbe The Story of Burnt Njal Dasent, G. W. East of The Sun and West of The Moon Dasent, George Webbe The Story of Burnt Njal; or, Life in Iceland at the end of the Tenth Century. From the Icelandic of the Njals Saga, by George Webbe Dasent. With an Introd. Maps, and Plans; Volume 1