The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism
The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism
Collected papers on finitist mathematics and phenomenalism: A digital phenomenology and predictive liquid democracy, E-bok
Collected papers on finitist mathematics and phenomenalism: A digital phenomenology and predictive liquid democracy, E-bok
Markets and Democracy, E-bok
Markets and Democracy, E-bok
Urban nature : inclusive learning through youth work and school work, E-bok
Urban nature : inclusive learning through youth work and school work, E-bok
Bengans Cohen Leonard - The Future (CD)
Bengans Cohen Leonard - The Future (CD)
Political Parties Disgracing Democracy: Cognitive Dissonance in Finland, E-bok
Political Parties Disgracing Democracy: Cognitive Dissonance in Finland, E-bok
A More Democratic Community: The Place of Democracy in the HIstory of European Integration: 29
A More Democratic Community: The Place of Democracy in the HIstory of European Integration: 29
Thompson, David Democracy in France Since 1870; 4
Thompson, David Democracy in France Since 1870; 4
Democracy vs. Sovereignty;
Democracy vs. Sovereignty;
Islam and Democracy: Law, Gender and the West: 2
Islam and Democracy: Law, Gender and the West: 2
Anonymous Where Stands Democracy?
Anonymous Where Stands Democracy?
Barnett, Neil Local government and democracy in Britain: .
Barnett, Neil Local government and democracy in Britain: .
Eliot, Charles William The Future of Trades-Unionism and Capitalism in a Democracy
Eliot, Charles William The Future of Trades-Unionism and Capitalism in a Democracy
Education, Policy and Democracy: Contemporary Challenges and Possibilities
Education, Policy and Democracy: Contemporary Challenges and Possibilities
Ingersoll, Charles Fears for Democracy Regarded from the American Point of View
Ingersoll, Charles Fears for Democracy Regarded from the American Point of View
Styslinger, Mary E. Workshopping the Canon for Democracy and Justice
Styslinger, Mary E. Workshopping the Canon for Democracy and Justice
Democracy and Sovereignty: Rethinking the Legitimacy of Public International Law
Democracy and Sovereignty: Rethinking the Legitimacy of Public International Law
Krämling, Dr. Anna Tyranny of the Majority?: Implications of Direct Democracy for Oppressed Groups in Europe
Krämling, Dr. Anna Tyranny of the Majority?: Implications of Direct Democracy for Oppressed Groups in Europe
Hunter The New Social Democracy: A Study for the Times
Hunter The New Social Democracy: A Study for the Times
Ludovici, Anthony Mario The False Assumptions of "democracy
Ludovici, Anthony Mario The False Assumptions of "democracy
Labuttis, Klaus Introduction To American Government: The American Democracy In History And Context
Labuttis, Klaus Introduction To American Government: The American Democracy In History And Context
Moses, Bernard Democracy and Social Growth in America: Four Lectures
Moses, Bernard Democracy and Social Growth in America: Four Lectures
Mahé, Sally The Global Heart of Democracy
Mahé, Sally The Global Heart of Democracy
Sidney, Webb Industrial Democracy
Sidney, Webb Industrial Democracy
Salmon, Edward Shakespeare And Democracy
Salmon, Edward Shakespeare And Democracy
Marshall Big Rural: Rural Industrial Places, Democracy, and What Next
Marshall Big Rural: Rural Industrial Places, Democracy, and What Next
Tocqueville, Alexis de Democracy in America
Tocqueville, Alexis de Democracy in America
MacDonald, William 1863-1938 Jacksonian Democracy, 1829-1837; 15
MacDonald, William 1863-1938 Jacksonian Democracy, 1829-1837; 15
Democracy in Nagaland: Tribes, Traditions, Tensions
Democracy in Nagaland: Tribes, Traditions, Tensions
Randall, Tino Democracy in Peril Part One
Randall, Tino Democracy in Peril Part One
Cuttica, Cesare (Lecturer in British History, Lecturer in British History, Universite Paris 8) Anti-democracy in England 1570-1642
Cuttica, Cesare (Lecturer in British History, Lecturer in British History, Universite Paris 8) Anti-democracy in England 1570-1642
Jaquenod, Philippe Emotional Manipulation: An Assault on Our Democracy
Jaquenod, Philippe Emotional Manipulation: An Assault on Our Democracy
Russell, James Reclaiming Our Democracy: Building a Better Future In 2024
Russell, James Reclaiming Our Democracy: Building a Better Future In 2024
Wendell, Barrett Liberty, Union and Democracy, the National Ideals of America
Wendell, Barrett Liberty, Union and Democracy, the National Ideals of America
Mao, Zedong 1893-1976 Mao Tsê-tung's "Democracy
Mao, Zedong 1893-1976 Mao Tsê-tung's "Democracy
The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance
The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance
Cottler, Joseph 1899- Champions of Democracy
Cottler, Joseph 1899- Champions of Democracy
Democracy in Alberta: Social Credit and the Party System
Democracy in Alberta: Social Credit and the Party System
Constitutional Review and the balance of democracy a comparative study(Chinese Edition)
Constitutional Review and the balance of democracy a comparative study(Chinese Edition)
Moore, John Bassett 1860-1947 Four Phases of American Development: Federalism, Democracy, Imperialism, Expansion
Moore, John Bassett 1860-1947 Four Phases of American Development: Federalism, Democracy, Imperialism, Expansion
Jordan, David Starr The Days of a man, Being Memories of a Naturalist, Teacher and Minor Prophet of Democracy; Volume 1
Jordan, David Starr The Days of a man, Being Memories of a Naturalist, Teacher and Minor Prophet of Democracy; Volume 1
Freed, Judah Making Global Sense: Grounded hope for democracy and the earth. Inspired by Thomas Paine's Common Sense.
Freed, Judah Making Global Sense: Grounded hope for democracy and the earth. Inspired by Thomas Paine's Common Sense.
Gerston, Larry N. Trumpism, Bigotry, and the Threat to American Democracy
Gerston, Larry N. Trumpism, Bigotry, and the Threat to American Democracy
Ringen, Stein The Story of Scandinavia: From the Vikings to Social Democracy
Ringen, Stein The Story of Scandinavia: From the Vikings to Social Democracy
Kellogg, Frederic R. Democracy and Conflict: Kenneth Arrow's Impossibility Theorem and John Dewey's Pragmatism
Kellogg, Frederic R. Democracy and Conflict: Kenneth Arrow's Impossibility Theorem and John Dewey's Pragmatism
Campbell, David C. Democracy's Hidden Heroes: Fitting Policy to People and Place
Campbell, David C. Democracy's Hidden Heroes: Fitting Policy to People and Place
Gelber, Lionel 1907-1989 The American Anarchy: Democracy in an Era of Bigness
Gelber, Lionel 1907-1989 The American Anarchy: Democracy in an Era of Bigness
Eisner, Karel The "unknown" Little Democracy
Eisner, Karel The "unknown" Little Democracy
Liberation Diaries: Reflections on 30 Years of Democracy
Liberation Diaries: Reflections on 30 Years of Democracy
Geoghegan, Peter Democracy for Sale: Dark Money and Dirty Politics
Geoghegan, Peter Democracy for Sale: Dark Money and Dirty Politics
Ross, Denman Waldo Studies in the Early History of Institutions: The Theory of Primitive Democracy in the Alps
Ross, Denman Waldo Studies in the Early History of Institutions: The Theory of Primitive Democracy in the Alps
Wright, Thomas C. Democracy in Latin America: A History since Independence
Wright, Thomas C. Democracy in Latin America: A History since Independence
Beausoleil, Emily Staging Democracy: The Political Work of Live Performance: 1
Beausoleil, Emily Staging Democracy: The Political Work of Live Performance: 1
Gauss, Christian Frederick 1878-1951 Democracy Today: an American Interpretation
Gauss, Christian Frederick 1878-1951 Democracy Today: an American Interpretation
Olsaretti, Alessandro The Struggle for Development and Democracy Volume 2: A General Theory
Olsaretti, Alessandro The Struggle for Development and Democracy Volume 2: A General Theory
Perspektiven des Zusammenlebens – Zur Demokratie: Symposium des Austrian Democracy Labs in Kooperation mit Forum Morgen
Perspektiven des Zusammenlebens – Zur Demokratie: Symposium des Austrian Democracy Labs in Kooperation mit Forum Morgen
Williams, Rina Verma Marginalized, Mobilized, Incorporated: Women and Religious Nationalism in Indian Democracy
Williams, Rina Verma Marginalized, Mobilized, Incorporated: Women and Religious Nationalism in Indian Democracy
Jentleson, Adam Kill Switch The Rise of the Modern Senate and the Crippling of American Democracy
Jentleson, Adam Kill Switch The Rise of the Modern Senate and the Crippling of American Democracy
Defenders of Democracy
Defenders of Democracy
Teaching Democracy in the North Carolina Public Schools; 1941
Teaching Democracy in the North Carolina Public Schools; 1941
Redish, Martin H. Due Process As American Democracy
Redish, Martin H. Due Process As American Democracy
The Rockefeller Panel Report on American Democracy
The Rockefeller Panel Report on American Democracy
Lafont, Cristina (Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of Philosophy and Chair, Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of Philosophy and Chair, Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University) Democracy without Shortcuts: A Participatory Concept
Lafont, Cristina (Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of Philosophy and Chair, Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of Philosophy and Chair, Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University) Democracy without Shortcuts: A Participatory Concept
Vernon, Dylan Political Clientelism and Democracy in Belize: From My Hand to Yours
Vernon, Dylan Political Clientelism and Democracy in Belize: From My Hand to Yours
Democracy against Development: Lower Caste Politics and Political Modernity in Postcolonial India
Democracy against Development: Lower Caste Politics and Political Modernity in Postcolonial India
Glushakow, H B Stopping Snakes: How to Identify and Neutralize Democracy's Greatest Threat
Glushakow, H B Stopping Snakes: How to Identify and Neutralize Democracy's Greatest Threat
Towards a Social Democratic Century?: How European and global social democracy can chart a course through the crises
Towards a Social Democratic Century?: How European and global social democracy can chart a course through the crises
McCormick, Barrett L. Political Reform in Post-Mao China: Democracy and Bureaucracy in a Leninist State
McCormick, Barrett L. Political Reform in Post-Mao China: Democracy and Bureaucracy in a Leninist State
Tillin, Louise Making India Work: The Development of Welfare in a Multi-Level Democracy
Tillin, Louise Making India Work: The Development of Welfare in a Multi-Level Democracy
F J C (Fossey John Cobb), Hearnshaw Democracy and the British Empire
F J C (Fossey John Cobb), Hearnshaw Democracy and the British Empire
St. George or the Dragon: Towards a Christian Democracy
St. George or the Dragon: Towards a Christian Democracy
Populism, Democracy, and the Humanities: Interdisciplinary Explorations and Critical Enquiries
Populism, Democracy, and the Humanities: Interdisciplinary Explorations and Critical Enquiries
Kindergarten Chats on Architecture, Education and Democracy
Kindergarten Chats on Architecture, Education and Democracy
TC Rao, Dr. Nepal Rising: Journey from Monarchy to Democracy
TC Rao, Dr. Nepal Rising: Journey from Monarchy to Democracy
Dukes Democracy at Work: Contract, Status and Post-Indus trial Justice
Dukes Democracy at Work: Contract, Status and Post-Indus trial Justice
Carpenter, Edward Towards Democracy
Carpenter, Edward Towards Democracy
Tocqueville, Alexis de Democracy in America
Tocqueville, Alexis de Democracy in America
Ahmad Parray, Dr Tauseef Islam and Democracy in the 21st Century
Ahmad Parray, Dr Tauseef Islam and Democracy in the 21st Century