Quesada, Vicente Gregorio Recuerdos De Mi Vida Diplomática, Misión En Estados Unidos (1885-1892) ......

Gasquet, Francis Aidan Great Britain and the Holy See, 1792-1806: A Chapter in the History of Diplomatic Relations Between England and Rome

General Index to the Published Volumes of the Diplomatic Correspondence and Foreign Relations of the United States. 1861-1899

Herbert Adams Gibbons The New Map of Europe (1911-1914) ; The Story of the Recent European Diplomatic Crises and Wars and of Europe's Present Catastrophe

López, Amancio Rodríguez El Real Monasterio De Las Huelgas De Burgos Y El Hospital Del Rey: Apuntes Para Su Historia Y Colección Diplomática Con Ellos Relacionada, Volume 1...

Correspondencia Diplomatica Cambiada Entre El Gobierno De La República Y El De Su Majestad Britanica Con Relación Al Territorio Llamado Belice: 1872-1878

Huillard-Bréholles, Jean Louis Alphonse Historia Diplomatica Friderici Secundi: Sive Constitutiones, Privilegia, Mandata, Instrumenta Quae Supersunt Istius Imperatoris Et Filiorum Ejus. ... Paparum Et Documenta Varia; Volume 3

Anonymous Historia Diplomatica Friderici Secundi: Sive Constitutiones, Privilegia, Mandata, Instrumenta Quae Supersunt Istius Imperatoris Et Filiorum Ejus. ... Paparum Et Documenta Varia, Volume 4, part 1

Nadal Blanes, Guillermo Memoria del curso en el extranjero de los aspirantes a la Carrera Diplomática. De julio a octubre de 1933: 66

Islam, Mohammad Tarikul Economic Diplomacy: Reshaping Bangladesh-Latin American Diplomatic Relations

Mabillon, Jean 1632-1707 Librorum de re diplomatica supplementum: In quo archetypa in his libris pro regulis proposita, ipsaeque regulae denuo confirmantur, novisque speciminibus & argumentis asseruntur & illustrantur

The Messages and Papers of Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy, Including Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865; Volume 1

López, Amancio Rodríguez El Real Monasterio De Las Huelgas De Burgos Y El Hospital Del Rey: Apuntes Para Su Historia Y Colección Diplomática Con Ellos Relacionada, Volume 1...

Anonymous The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution: Being the Letters of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, John Adams, John Jay, Arthur Lee, ... Henry Laurens, John Laurens; Volume III

The Messages and Papers of Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy, Including Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865; Volume 2

The Messages and Papers of Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy, Including Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865; Volume 2

Paoli, Cesare Programma Scolastico Di Paleografia Latina E Di Diplomatica: Materie Scrittorie E Librarie. 1894

Legaré, Hugh Swinton Writings, Consisting of a Diary of Brussels, and Journal of the Rhine, Extracts From his Private and Diplomatic Correspondence, Orations and Speeches, ... the New York and Southern Reviews; Volume 1

Anonymous Historia Diplomatica Friderici Secundi: Sive Constitutiones, Privilegia, Mandata, Instrumenta Quae Supersunt Istius Imperatoris Et Filiorum Ejus. ... Paparum Et Documenta Varia, Volume 6, part 2

Gasquet, Francis Aidan Great Britain and the Holy See, 1792-1806: A Chapter in the History of Diplomatic Relations Between England and Rome

Loftus, Augustus William Frederick Sp... The Diplomatic Reminiscences of Lord Augustus Loftus. 1862-1879; Volume II

de Exteriores, Secretaría Relaciones Correspondencia Diplomatica Relativa a Las Invasiones Del Territorio Mexicano Por Fuer Zas De Los Estados Unidos De 1873 a 1877

Foreign Broadcast Information Service Glossary of Serbo-Croatian and Slovene Words: With Emphasis on Diplomatic, Military, Security, and Technical Terms

Treat, Payson Jackson Primary Sources, Historical Collections: The Early Diplomatic Relations Between the United States and Japan, 1853-1865, With a Foreword by T. S. Wentworth

Vigil, Ciriaco Miguel Asturias Monumental, Epigráfica Y Diplomática, Datos Para La Historia De La Provincia

Webster, Daniel The Works of Daniel Webster: Legal Arguments and Speeches to the Jury; Diplomatic and Official Papers; Miscellaneous Letters

Derecho Diplomático: Curso. Negociaciones Diplomáticas, Congresos, Extradicción (sic), Reglamento Y Convenciones Consulares, Politica General, Y Arbitraje...

Staphorst, Nicolaus Historia Ecclesiae Hamburgensis diplomatica, das ist: Hamburgische Kirchen-Geschichte, aus Glaubwürdigen und mehrentheils noch ungedruckten ... und in Ordnung gebracht Volume; Volume 2

Tromby, Benedetto Storia Critico-cronologica Diplomatica Del Patriarcia S. Brunone E Del Suo Ordine Cartusiano

Mason, Virginia The Public Life and Diplomatic Correspondence of James M. Mason: With Some Personal History

Ritchie, James Ewing The Life and Times of Viscount Palmerston: Embracing the Diplomatic and Domestic History of the British Empire During the Last Half Century; Volume 1

The Tragedy of Thirteen Days in 1914. (A Review of the Diplomatic Correspondence Preceding the World War of 1914.) An Address Before the Michigan State Bar Association, June 28, 1918