Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore Catalogue of Opera Librettos Printed Before 1800
Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore Catalogue of Opera Librettos Printed Before 1800
George Theodore Sonneck, Oscar Catalogue Of Opera Librettos Printed Before 1800; Volume II
George Theodore Sonneck, Oscar Catalogue Of Opera Librettos Printed Before 1800; Volume II
Roberts, Theodore Goodridge 1877-1953 Captain Love [microform]: the History of a Most Romantic Event in the Life of an English Gentleman During the Reign of His Majesty George the First : ... the Chronicles of the Period and Now Set...
Roberts, Theodore Goodridge 1877-1953 Captain Love [microform]: the History of a Most Romantic Event in the Life of an English Gentleman During the Reign of His Majesty George the First : ... the Chronicles of the Period and Now Set...
Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore The Star Spangled Banner
Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore The Star Spangled Banner
George Theodore Sonneck, Oscar Early Concert-Life in America (1731-1800)
George Theodore Sonneck, Oscar Early Concert-Life in America (1731-1800)
Dippold, George Theodore The Great Epics of Mediaeval Germany: an Outline of Their Contents and History
Dippold, George Theodore The Great Epics of Mediaeval Germany: an Outline of Their Contents and History
Dippold, George Theodore A German Grammar for High Schools and Colleges
Dippold, George Theodore A German Grammar for High Schools and Colleges
King, George A Theodore Dwight Woolsey, His Political and Social Ideas
King, George A Theodore Dwight Woolsey, His Political and Social Ideas
Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore Report on 'The Star Spangled Banner', 'Hail Columbia', 'America', 'Yankee Doodle'
Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore Report on 'The Star Spangled Banner', 'Hail Columbia', 'America', 'Yankee Doodle'
Dippold, George Theodore