Dircks, H. A Biographical Memoir of Samuel Hartlib
Dircks, H. A Biographical Memoir of Samuel Hartlib
Dircks, Henry Perpetuum Mobile: Or, a History of the Search for Self-Motive Power From the 13Th to the 19Th Century
Dircks, Henry Perpetuum Mobile: Or, a History of the Search for Self-Motive Power From the 13Th to the 19Th Century
Old Dirck's Book; a Brief Account of the Life and Times of Dirck Storm of Holland, His Antecedents, and the Family He Founded in America in 1662
Old Dirck's Book; a Brief Account of the Life and Times of Dirck Storm of Holland, His Antecedents, and the Family He Founded in America in 1662
Dircks, Henry Perpetuum Mobile
Dircks, Henry Perpetuum Mobile
Dirck Nab Paysage Dessiné
Dirck Nab Paysage Dessiné
Dircks, Rudolf Auguste Rodin. With List of His Principal Works
Dircks, Rudolf Auguste Rodin. With List of His Principal Works
Schopenhauer, Arthur Essays of Schopenhauer (Esprios Classics): Translated by Mrs. Rudolf Dircks
Schopenhauer, Arthur Essays of Schopenhauer (Esprios Classics): Translated by Mrs. Rudolf Dircks
Thoreau, Henry David Walden. With an Introductory Note by Will H. Dircks
Thoreau, Henry David Walden. With an Introductory Note by Will H. Dircks
Dircks, Henry The Ghost! As Produced in the Spectre Drama, Popularly Illustrating the Marvellous Optical Illusions Obtained by the Dircksian Phantasmagoria
Dircks, Henry The Ghost! As Produced in the Spectre Drama, Popularly Illustrating the Marvellous Optical Illusions Obtained by the Dircksian Phantasmagoria
Dircks, Henry Perpetuum Mobile: Or, a History of the Search for Self-Motive Power From the 13Th to the 19Th Century
Dircks, Henry Perpetuum Mobile: Or, a History of the Search for Self-Motive Power From the 13Th to the 19Th Century
Dircks, Henry The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester: To Which is Added, a Reprint of His Century of Inventions, 1663
Dircks, Henry The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester: To Which is Added, a Reprint of His Century of Inventions, 1663