Kelly, Theodore Edward Hook Michael Reminiscences of Michael Kelly, of the King's Theatre, and Theatre Royal Drury Lane; Volume II Hook, Theodore Edward Gurney Married: A Sequel to Gilbert Gurney; Volume I Dowling, Edward T Administrative Organization in Massachusetts Towns Newell, Edward Theodore The First Seleucid Coinage of Tyre Stratemeyer, Edward American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt Newell, Edward Theodore Reattribution of Certain Tetradrachms of Alexander the Great Hook, Theodore Edward The Life of General, the Right Honourable Sir David Baird, Bart; Volume 1 Dowling, Theodore Edward The Patriarchate of Jerusalem Dowling, Theodore Edward The Orthodox Greek Patriarchate Of Jerusalem Hook, Theodore Edward 1788-1841 Jack Brag; 3 Schmidt, Alyssa Theodore Edward Makes a New Friend Newell, Edward Theodore 1886-1941 The Seleucid Mint of Antioch Newell, Edward Theodore 1886-1941 Myriandros, Alexandria Kat'isson Newell, Edward Theodore 1886-1941 Tyrus Rediviva Dowling, Theodore Edward Gaza Sök bara efter: Dowling, Theodore Edward