Haslam, John 1764-1844 Observations on Madness and Melancholy: Including Practical Remarks on Those Diseases ; Together With Cases: and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection
Buckinghamshire, John Hobart The Despatches and Correspondence of John, Second Earl of Buckinghamshire, Ambassador to the Court of Catherine Ii. of Russia 1762-1765; Volume 2
Leslie, John A Catalogue of English and Foreign Theology, 1844: Comprising the Holy Scriptures, in Various Languages, Liturgies and Liturgical Works; A Very Choice ... Historians; The Writings of the Non
Seath, John 1844-1919 Manual Training and High School Courses of Study [microform]: Report of John Seath ... on the Manual Training Schools of the United States, With ... of Study in the High Schools of Ontario
Parish, Elijah 1762-1825 Nine Discourses on Baptism: Viz. Water Baptism, John's Baptism, Christian Baptism, Believer's Baptism, Infant Baptism, Believing Parents and Their ... Buried With Christ in Baptism Illustrated
Walker, Albert Henry 1844-1915 Christ's Christianity [microform]: Being the Precepts and Doctrines Recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as Taught by Jesus Christ : Analyzed and Arranged According to Subjects
Drinkwater, John William Harris, Jr., Presents John Drinkwater's Abraham Lincoln, Staged by Lester Lonergan
Haslam, John 1764-1844 Medical Jurisprudence, as It Relates to Insanity [electronic Resource]: According to the Law of England