Warburton, William A Critical and Philosophical Commentary On Mr. Pope's Essay On Man: In Which Is Contain'D a Vindication of the Said Essay From the Misrepresentations ... the French Translator, and of Mr. De Crousaz
Rawle, William Brooke Gregg's Cavalry Fight at Gettysburg. Historical Address Delivered October 15th, 1884, Upon the Occasion of the Dedication of the Monumental Shaft ... of the Army of the Potomac, July 3d, 1863
Napier, William Francis Patrick History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France: From A. D. 1807 to A; Volume 5
Cox, George William Les Dieux Antiques: Nouvelle Mythologie Illustrée D'après George W. Cox Et Les Travaux De La Science Moderne À L'usage Des Lycées, Pensionnats, Écoles Et Des Gens Du Monde
Coxe, William 1747-1828 Storia Della Casa D'Austria: Da Rodolfo di Apsburgo Alla Morte di Leopoldo II; v.4
Anonymous Romeo and Juliet. With Alterations, and an Additional Scene: By D. Garrick, As It Is Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
1564-1616, Shakespeare William Les sonnets de Shakespeare: Essai d'une interprétation en vers français Volume 8, pt.7
Williams, Kimberly D. Landscapes of Death: Early Bronze Age Tombs and Mortuary Rituals on the Oman Peninsula
Schlich, Sir William A Manual Of Forestry ...: Schlich, ". Practical Sylviculture. 2d Ed., Re; Volume 1897
Holmes, William Gordon The Age of Justinian and Theodora: A History of the Sixth Century A.D.:Vol. 2
M.D, Brown William The Tabernacle and its Priests and Services: Described and Considered in Relation to Christ
M.D, Brown William The Tabernacle and its Priests and Services: Described and Considered in Relation to Christ
Stout, William Autobiography of William Stout, of Lancaster, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Ironmonger, a Member of the Society of Friends. A.D. 1665-1752
Cutler, William Parker 1812-1889 Life, Journals and Correspondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler, LL. D; Volume 1
Arnold, Thomas An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Edited With Notes by Thomas Arnold. 3d ed., rev. by William T. Arnold
William Lamb Batman Harley Quinn Korthållare Plånbok Handväska med Dragkedja för Kvinnor med Kort och Myntsektioner, Mång, 13 X 9 X .7cm, Modern
Busnach, William Bertrand L'assommoir; drame en cinq actes et neuf talbeaux par William Busnach et Octave Gastineau. Avec une préf. d'Émile Zola
1564-1616, Shakespeare William Les sonnets de Shakespeare: Essai d'une interprétation en vers français Volume 8, pt.7
Rhind, William Graeme Le Tabernacle Dans Le Désert, Ombre Des Choses Célestes: Quatre Planches Gravées, Coloriées Et Ornées D'or D'argent Et D'airain, Conformément Aux Textes De L'ecriture, Avec Des Notes Explicatives...
Parker, William Thornton 1849-1925 The Genealogy of Wm. Thornton Parker: A.M., M.D. of Boston, Mass., Born January 8, 1818, Died March 12, 1855; 2
Reeves, William Acts of Archbishop Colton in his Metropolitan Visitation of the Diocese of Derry, A.D. 1397; With a Rental of the see Estates at That Time. Edited, ... Closet of Armagh, With an Introd. and Notes
Haley, William D'Arcy Philp's Washington Described: A Complete View of the American Capital, and the District of Columbia,
Salmon, William Bibliothèque Des Philosophes Chimiques. Nouvelle Édition, Revûë, Corrigée & Augmentée De Plusieurs Philosophes, Avec Des Figures & Des Notes Pour ... De Leur Doctrine, Par M. J. M. D. R....
Munk, William The Life of Sir Henry Halford, Bart., G.C.H., M.D., F.R.S., President of the Royal College of Physicians, Physician to George Iii., George Iv., William Iv., and to Her Majesty Queen Victoria
Maher, William H. Un homme d'échantillons Quelque chose à propos des hommes qu'il a rencontrés ""Sur la route"
Furnivall, Frederick James William Stafford's Compendious of Briefe Examination of Certayne Ordinary Complaints of Diuers of Our Countrymen in These Our Dayes, A. D. 1581, ... "A Briefe Conceipt of English Pollicy.")
Noel Williams, H. A Gallant of Lorraine (Volume 1) François, Seigneur de Bassompierre, Marquis d'Haronel, Maréchal de France, 1579-1646
Smith, William 1727-1803 Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin, L.L.D., President of the American Philosophical Society ...: Delivered March 1, 1791, in the German Lutheran Church of ... Society, and Agreeably to Their Appointment
Shakespeare, William Oeuvres complètes de Shakspeare; Timon d'Athènes. Le jour des rois. Les deux gentilshommes de Vérone. Roméo et Juliette. Le songe k'une nuit d'été. Tout est bien qui finit bien: Tome 3