Campagnac, Ernest Trafford 1872- The Cambridge Platonists: Being Selections From the Writings of Benjamin Whichcote, John Smith and Nathanael Culverwel
Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis A History of Egypt From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra Vii, B.C. 30: Egypt Under Rameses the Great
Seillière, Baron Ernest Antoine Aimé L George Sand, Mystique De La Passion, De La Politique Et De L'art
Ledoux, Charles Ernest Ice-making Machines: The Theory of The Action of The Various Forms of Cold-producing or So-called ice Machines (machines á Froid)
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Small, Ernest In Defense of the World’s Most Despised Species: Why we love some species but hate most, and why it matters
Pariset, Ernest Histoire De La Fabrique Lyonnaise: Étude Sur Le Régime Social Et Économique De L'industrie De La Soie À Lyon, Depuis Le Xvie Siècle...
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Alby, Ernest Les Prisonniers D'abd-el-kader, Ou Cinq Mois De Captivité Chez Les Arabes: Orné Du Portrait D'abd-el-kader Et De Plan De Tékédemta, Volume 1...
Chambers, Ernest J. The Unexploited West: A Compilation of all of the Authentic Information Available ... as to the Natural Resources of the Unexploited Regions of Northern Canada
Herbert, Thomas Ernest Telegraphy: A Detailed Exposition of the Telegraph System of the British Post Office
Schwaab, Ernest F. The Secrets of Canning. A Complete Exposition of the Theory and Art of the Canning Industry
Renan, Ernest Antichrist: Including The Period From The Arrival Of Paul In Rome To The End Of The Jewish Revolution
Henley, William Ernest The Collected Works of William Hazlitt: Contributions to the Edinburgh Review