Farooq, Bibi Where is Blue? Siddiqi, Muhammad Farooq Man the Foremost Creation Farooq Mir, Rumana Nitrat-Reduktase-Assay zum Nachweis von MDR-Tuberkulose Mirza, Farooq The Description of Afterlife: Death and Beyond, The Last Hour, Resurrection, Judgment Day, Hell, and Heaven (7) FAROOQ AFRIDY : CHAYANIT VYANGYA RACHNAYEN Falola, Toyin Citizenship and the Diaspora in the Digital Age: Farooq Kperogi and the Virtual Community Farooq Mir, Rumana Ensaio de nitrato redutase Para deteção de tuberculose MDR Farooq Mir, Rumana Test reduktazy azotanowej do wykrywania gruźlicy MDR