Semichon, Ernest Histoire De La Ville D'aumale: Seine-inférieure, Et De Ses Institutions Depuis Les Temps Anciens Jusqu'a Nos Jours, Volume 1...

Mensch, Ernest Cromwell San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge; a Technical Description in Ordinary Language

Baker, Arthur Ernest A Tennyson Dictionary; the Characters and Place-names Contained in the Poetical and Dramatic Works of the Poet, Alphabetically Arranged and Described With Synopses of the Poems and Plays

Kretschmann, Ernest Theodore The old Trappe Church, 1743-1893, a Memorial of the Sesqui-centennial Services of Augustus Evangelical Lutheran Church, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Hauterive, Ernest D' La police secrète du premier empire; bulletins quotidiens adressés par Fouché à l'empereur: 5

Seton, Ernest Thompson The Arctic prairies; A canoe-journey of 2,000 miles in search of the caribou, Being the account of a voyage to the region north of Aylmer Lake: in large print

Meyer, Joseph Ernest 1878-1950 The Herb Doctor and Medicine Man: a Collection of Valuable Medicinal Formulae and Guide to the Manufacture of Botanical Medicines

Lavisse, Ernest Histoire de France contemporaine depuis la révolution jusqu'à la paix de 1919; Volume 8

Baker, Ernest The Life and Explorations of Frederick Stanley Arnot; the Authorized Biography of a Zealous Missionary, Intrepid Explorer, & Self-denying Benefactor Amongst the Natives of Africa

Kielhauser, Ernest A. Die Stimmgabel: Ihre Schwingungsgesetze Und Anwendungen in Der Physik Eine Auf Fremden Untersuchungen Fussende Monographie, Mit 4 in Den Text Gedruckten Figuren

Pariset, Ernest Histoire De La Fabrique Lyonnaise: Étude Sur Le Régime Social Et Économique De L'industrie De La Soie À Lyon, Depuis Le Xvie Siècle...

Baker, Ernest The Life and Explorations of Frederick Stanley Arnot; the Authorized Biography of a Zealous Missionary, Intrepid Explorer, & Self-denying Benefactor Amongst the Natives of Africa

Quentin-Bauchart, Ernest La Bibliothèque De Fontainebleau Et Les Livres Des Derniers Valois À La Bibliothèque Nationale (1515-1589).

Dickerson, Roy Ernest Notes On a Fauna of the Vigo Group and Its Bearing On the Evolution of Marine Molluscan Faunas

Périgaud, Ernest Louis Antoine Théses présentées a la faculté des sciences de Paris: Exposé de la méthode de Hansen pour le calcul des perturbations spéciales

Smith, Charles Ernest Religion Under the Barons of Baltimore; Being A Sketch of Ecclesiastical Affairs

Bernbaum, Ernest The Drama of Sensibility: A Sketch of the History of English Sentimental Comedy and Domestic Tragedy, 1696-1780

Ernest, Lefébure Embroidery and Lace; Their Manufacture and History From the Remotest Antiquity to the Present day. A

Audard, Ernest Biographie De L'abbé Jean Philippe Marchand: Vicaire À Notre-dame De Niort, Martyr De Septembre, 1792...

Recreation and Delinquency, a Study of Five Selected Chicago Communities, Made for the Chicago Recreation Commission Under the Supervision of its ... and Juvenile Delinquency, Ernest W. Burgess

Lévi Alvarès, Ernest Promenades géographiques. Introduction à tous les cours de géographie. 2e édition

Raynaud, Ernest Le Cinquantenaire de Charles Baudelaire. En frontispice "Statuette de Christophe" ayant inspiré à Baudelaire la "Danse macabre

Bourret, Joseph-Christian Ernest L'École Chrétienne De Séville Sous La Monarchie Des Visigoths: Recherches Pour Servir À L'Histoire De La Civilisation Chrétienne Chez Les Barbares

Dowson, Ernest Christopher The Poems and Prose of Ernest Dowson; With a Memoir by Arthur Symons: in large print

Baker, Ernest Edward A True and Most Dreadfull Discourse of a Woman Possessed With the Devill, at Dichet, in Sommersetshire: A Matter As Miraculous As Ever Was Seen in Our Time. A.D. 1584

Hathaway, Ernest Jackson 1871-1930 Jesse Ketchum and His Times: Being a Chronicle of the Social Life and Public Affairs of the Capital of the Province of Upper Canada During Its First Half Century. --

Wilson, Ernest Henry A Naturalist in Western China: With Vasculum, Camera, and gun, Being Some Account of Eleven Year's Travel, Exploration, and Observation in the More Remote Parts of the Flowery Kingdom; 2

Bouteiller, Ernest La Famille De Jeanne D'arc: Documents Inédits, Généalogie, Lettres De J. Hordal Et De Cl. Du Lys À Ch. Du Lys

Doin, Ernest Joachim Murat, roi des Deux Siciles: Sa sentence, sa mort, drame historique et à sensation en un acte

Renan, Ernest The History of the Origins of Christianity. The Reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius (A. D. 117-161): Book. VI

Spanton, Ernest Frederick In German Gaols; a Narrative of two Years' Captivity in German East Africa

Wallace, Ernest L Machine Design: A Manual of Practical Instruction in Designing Machinery for Specific Purposes, Including Specifications for Belts, Screws, Pins, ... Hints As to Operation and Care of Machines

Pierotti, Ermete Macpéla: Ou Tombeau Des Patriarches À Hébron : Avec Appendice Concernant M. Le Comte De Vogüé & M. Ernest Renan, Membres De L'institut De France...

Pariset, Ernest Histoire De La Fabrique Lyonnaise: Étude Sur Le Régime Social Et Économique De L'industrie De La Soie À Lyon, Depuis Le Xvie Siècle...

Baillon, Henri Ernest Programme du cours d'histoire naturelle médicale professé à la Faculté de médecine de Paris: Partie 1

Floyer, Ernest Ayscoghe Unexplored Baluchistan. A Survey, With Observations Astronomical, Geographical, Botanical, etc., of a Route Through Mekran, Bashkurd, Persia, Kurdistan, and Turkey

Farrington, Ernest A. Materia Medica Clinica: O Serie De Lecturas Dada En El Colegio Medico De Hahnemann, Filadelfia, Por El Dr. E. A. Farrington, Recogidas ... El Dr. Clarence Bartlett, Y Revisadas Por El

Raynaud, Ernest Le Cinquantenaire de Charles Baudelaire. En frontispice "Statuette de Christophe" ayant inspiré à Baudelaire la "Danse macabre

Suffling, Ernest Richard A Treatise On The Art Of Glass Painting: Prefaced With A Review Of Ancient Glass

Allain, Ernest Contribution a L'Histoire de l'instruction Primaire dans la Gironde Avant la Révolution

Charrière, Ernest Négociations de la France dans le Levant; ou, Correspondances, mémoires et actes diplomatiques des ambassadeurs de France à Constantinople et des ... Rome, Malte et Jérusalem, en Turquie, Pe

Smith, Charles Ernest Religion Under the Barons of Baltimore; Being A Sketch of Ecclesiastical Affairs

Morrison, George Ernest Primary Sources, Historical Collections: An Australian in China: Being the Narrative of a Quiet Journey Across China To Burma, With a Foreword by T. S. Wentworth

Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis, Budge Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Egypt Under the Saïtes, Persians, and Ptolemies, With a Foreword by T. S. Wentworth

Pierotti, Ermete Macpéla: Ou Tombeau Des Patriarches À Hébron: Avec Appendice Concernant M. Le Comte De Vogüé & M. Ernest Renan, Membres De L'institut De France...