Fesseha, Zewditu የ መ ን ደ ር ደ ሪ ያ ቃ ላ ት የእጅ ጽሕፈትና ንባብ መማሪያ Amharic Ethiopian Script Book Two: Introduction to one of Africa's most ancient language, Amharic! Fidel, ... and Reading will be covered in this book!
Fesseha, Zewditu የ መ ን ደ ር ደ ሪ ያ ቃ ላ ት የእጅ ጽሕፈትና ንባብ መማሪያ Amharic Ethiopian Script Book Two: Introduction to one of Africa's most ancient language, Amharic! Fidel, ... and Reading will be covered in this book!