Capt. J. D. Winchester's Experience On a Voyage From Lynn, Massachusetts, to San Francisco, Cal., and to the Alaskan Gold Fields

Johnston, J.W. Centennial Celebration of the Minisink Battle on the Actual Battle Field July 22d. 1879

Wickson, Edward J 1848-1923 The California Vegetables in Garden and Field; a Manual of Practice, With and Without Irrigation, for Semitropical Countries

Luo, Albert C. J. Two-dimensional Crossing and Product Cubic Systems, Vol. I: Self-linear and Crossing-quadratic Product Vector Field: 1

Gauss, Carl Friedrich Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Höhere Arithmetik (Various Texts, in Latin and German, Orig. Publ. Between 1808-1831, Annotated by R. Dedekind and E.J. Schering). 1866, BAND II

Walsh, J H The Horse in the Stable and the Field: His Varieties, Management in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology, etc. Volume; Volume 1

Church, J. The Living Letter, Written with the Pen of Truth: Being the Substance of a Sermon, Preached at the Obelisk Chapel, St. George's Fields, on Sunday Morning, Sept. 26, 1813.

Walsh, J H The Horse in the Stable and the Field: His Varieties, Management in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology, etc. Volume; Volume 1

Austin, Malcolm J. Alquimia Emocional De Jung Lecciones De Carl Jung Para Transformar Arquetipos En Inteligencia Emocional (1)

Gauss, Carl Friedrich Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Mathematische Physik (Various Texts, in Latin and German, Orig. Publ. Between 1803-1845, Annotated by E.J. Schering). 1867, Band V

Walsh, J H. The Horse, in the Stable and the Field: His Varieties, Management in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology, Etc.Etc

Stauffer, Paul Sechs furchtbare Jahre: Auf den Spuren Carl J. Burckhardts durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg

Themed Issue in Honor of Prof. Maciej J. Nowak, for His Contributions to the Field of Photochemistry of Matrix-Isolated Species