Kanazawa, Robert H More New Species and New Records of Fishes From Bermuda; Fieldiana Zoology v.34, no.7

Fisher, Robert Dwight Raman Spectra of Certain Colored Substances and the Existence of an Optimum Concentration for Maximum Intensity of Scattered Radiation

Marston, Robert Bright Bibliotheca Piscatoria; A Catalogue of Books on Angling, The Fisheries and Fish-Culture

Marston, Robert Bright Bibliotheca Piscatoria; A Catalogue of Books on Angling, The Fisheries and Fish-Culture

Ridgway, Robert Catalogue of the Aquatic and Fish-eating Birds Exhibited by the United States National Museum

Ridgway, Robert Catalogue of the Aquatic and Fish-eating Birds Exhibited by the United States National Museum

Walsh, Robert F. On Improved Facilities for the Capture, Economic Transmission and Distribution of Sea Fishes. And How These Matters Affect Irish Fisheries