Arnold, James Newell Vital Record Of Rhode Island: 1636-1850: First Series: Births, Marriages And Deaths: A Family Register For The People; Volume 10

Rhodes, James Ford History Of The United States From The Compromise Of 1850 To The Final Restoration Of Home Rule At The South In 1877; Volume 4

James, Montague Rhodes Henry the Sixth a Reprint of John Blacman s Memoir With Translation and Notes

James, Montague Rhodes A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Arnold, James Newell Vital Record of Rhode Island: 1636-1850: First Series: Births, Marriages and Deaths: A Family Register for the People; Volume 7

James, Montague Rhodes A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts in the Library of Queen's College, Cambridge

Ford, James Lauren Mrs. Leslie Carter in David Belasco's Du Barry: With Portraits of Mrs. Carter by John Cecil Clay, Together With Portrait of David Belasco and Numerous ... of Photos. and Sketches in Black and White

Ford, Rhodes James History of the United States From the Compromise of 1850 to the McKinley-Bryan Campaign of 1896

Ford, James Lauren Mrs. Leslie Carter in David Belasco's Du Barry: With Portraits of Mrs. Carter by John Cecil Clay, Together With Portrait of David Belasco and Numerous ... of Photos. and Sketches in Black and White

Jenkins, James Henry Ford: A Comprehensive Biography of Henry Ford (The Inventor Who Making the Model-t One of America's Greatest Invention)

Knowles, James Davis Memoir of Roger Williams, the Founder of the State of Rhode-Island: in large print

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