Fox, Charles James Mr. Burke's Speech, On the 1St December 1783: Upon the Question of the Speaker's Leaving the Chair, in Order for the House to Resolve Itself Into a Committee On Mr. Fox's East India Bill

Minard, Charles Joseph Leçons Faites Sur Les Chemins De Fer À L'ecole Des Ponts Et Chaussées En 1833-1834

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Fox-Strangways, Charles The Geology of Bridlington Bay. (Explanation of Quartersheet 94 N. E.) (New Series Sheet 65)

Fox-Strangways, Charles The Geology of the Country Between Derby, Burton-on-Trent, Ashby-de-la-Zouch and Loughborough. (Explanation of Sheet 141)

Fox, Charles Douglas The Pennsylvania Railroad: With Remarks On American Railway Construction and Management

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Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri, the Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872;

Fox, Charles James Lettre à MM. Charles Fox, Sheridan, Edmond Burke, Et Autres Illustres Membres de l'Opposition (Classic Reprint)

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