Baur, Ferdinand Christian Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, his Life and Work, his Epistles and his Doctrine. A Contribution to the Critical History of Primitive Christianity

Baur, Ferdinand Christian Paul, The Apostle Of Jesus Christ: His Life And Work, His Epistles And Teachings. A Contribution To A Critical History Of Primitive Christianity; Volume 2

Krause, Karl Christian Friedrich Anschauungen: Oder, Lehren Und Entwuerfe Zur Hoeherbildung Des Menschheitslebens. Aus Dem Handschriftlichen Nachlasse Des Verfasser Hrsg. Von Paul Hohlfeld Und August Wuensche, Dritter Band

Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry Baron D' Christianity Unveiled: Being an Examination of the Principles and Effects of the Christian Religion

Sinding, Paul Christian History of Scandinavia, from the Early Times of the Norsemen and Vikings to the Present Day