Flaminia Il tempo nel processo sull'atto ai tempi del processo sul rapporto. Questioni e tendenze del processo amministrativo tra Italia, Francia e Germania. ... motivazione dell'atto amministrativo (Vol. 1)
Oriti, Franco Così lontani, così vicini! Storia del gemellaggio tra Capo d’Orlando (Messina), Italia e Fremantle (Western Australia), Australia
Innocenti, Barbara Il vaccino in commedia. Teatro, scienza e medicina nella Francia del secolo dei Lumi
Reply to a Third Letter of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Montreal and Metropolitan of Canada [i.e. Francis Fulford], Addressed to the Bishops and ... / by I. Hellmuth. To Which is Appended...
Francis E. (Francis Everett), Blake History of the Town of Princeton, in the County of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1759
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Bracciolini, Jacopo Novella Della Pulzella Di Francia, Dove Si Racconta L'origine Delle Guerre Fra I Francesi E Gli Inglesi
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich How Gertrude Teaches her Children: An Attempt to Help Mothers to Teach Their own Children And An Account of The Method, a Report to the Society of the ... by Lucy E. Holland And Francis C. Turner And
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Alabrús Iglesias, Rosa María Mujeres en el discurso eclesiástico: España, Francia, Portugal e Italia (siglos XVI-XVIII)
Clark, Francis E. 1851-1927 Christian Endeavor in all Lands; a Record of Twenty-five Years of Progress; the Story of a Great Religious Movement Which has Spread Over all the Earth From a Small Beginning in America
Nyamnjoh, Francis B. Incompleteness Mobility and Conviviality: Ad. E. Jensen Memorial Lectures 2023 Frobenius-Institut Goethe-University
Brockway, Francis Edwin 1844-1907 The Brockway Family: Some Records of Wolston Brockway and His Descendants: Comp. for Francis E. Brockway
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