Frontispiece The Love Sonnets of Proteus
Frontispiece The Love Sonnets of Proteus
Club, Grolier Club de Vinne Press A Catalogue of a Selection of Engraved Titles and Frontispieces Published in England
Club, Grolier Club de Vinne Press A Catalogue of a Selection of Engraved Titles and Frontispieces Published in England
De), Sade (Marquis La Nouvelle Justine Ou Les Malheurs De La Vertu: Ouvrage Orné D'un Frontispiece Et De 40 Sujets Gravés Avec Soin, Volume 2...
De), Sade (Marquis La Nouvelle Justine Ou Les Malheurs De La Vertu: Ouvrage Orné D'un Frontispiece Et De 40 Sujets Gravés Avec Soin, Volume 2...
Phyllis, Ackerman Wallpaper, its History, Design and Use: With Frontispiece in Colour and Numerous Illustrations
Phyllis, Ackerman Wallpaper, its History, Design and Use: With Frontispiece in Colour and Numerous Illustrations
Georges, Casella J.-H. Rosny, biographie critique. Illustrée d'un portrait-frontispiece et d'un autographe, suivie d'opinions et d'une bibliographie
Georges, Casella J.-H. Rosny, biographie critique. Illustrée d'un portrait-frontispiece et d'un autographe, suivie d'opinions et d'une bibliographie
Club, Grolier Club de Vinne Press A Catalogue of a Selection of Engraved Titles and Frontispieces Published in England
Club, Grolier Club de Vinne Press A Catalogue of a Selection of Engraved Titles and Frontispieces Published in England
Anonymous Sketches by Boz: Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People ; With a Frontispiece by George Cruikshank
Anonymous Sketches by Boz: Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People ; With a Frontispiece by George Cruikshank
Collins, Francis Charles A Selection Of One Hundred And Seven Chess Problems: With Chess-puzzle Frontispiece
Collins, Francis Charles A Selection Of One Hundred And Seven Chess Problems: With Chess-puzzle Frontispiece
Frontispiece The Love Sonnets of Proteus
Frontispiece The Love Sonnets of Proteus
de), Sade (marquis La Nouvelle Justine Ou Les Malheurs De La Vertu: Ouvrage Orné D'un Frontispiece Et De 40 Sujets Gravés Avec Soin; Volume 1
de), Sade (marquis La Nouvelle Justine Ou Les Malheurs De La Vertu: Ouvrage Orné D'un Frontispiece Et De 40 Sujets Gravés Avec Soin; Volume 1
de Balzac, Honoré The Thirteen (Histoire Treize) by H. De Balzac, Trans. by Ellen Marriage, With a Frontispiece Etched by W. Boucher
de Balzac, Honoré The Thirteen (Histoire Treize) by H. De Balzac, Trans. by Ellen Marriage, With a Frontispiece Etched by W. Boucher
Giberne, Agnes 1845-1939 The Garden of Earth, a Little Book on Plant-life, Plant-growth, and the Ways and Uses of Plants. With Coloured Frontispiece and Illustrations; Volume 1921.
Giberne, Agnes 1845-1939 The Garden of Earth, a Little Book on Plant-life, Plant-growth, and the Ways and Uses of Plants. With Coloured Frontispiece and Illustrations; Volume 1921.