Woodburn, James Albert The Scotch-irish Presbyterians In Monroe County, Indiana, A Paper Read Before The Monroe County Historical Society November And December, 1908

Woodburn, James Albert Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States; a Sketch of American Party History and of the Development and Operations of Party ... in Their Relation to Political Morality

Barnes, Albert Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the General Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude

Woodburn, James Albert The American Republic and its Government, an Analysis of the Government of the United States With A
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Fry, James Barnet The Military Academy [at West Point].: A Discussion Of Its Methods And Requirements

Barnes, Albert Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the General Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude

Woodburn, James Albert Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States; a Sketch of American Party History and of the Development and Operations of Party ... in Their Relation to Political Morality

Cook, Albert S 1853-1927 The Old English Physiologus. Text and Prose Translation by Albert Stanburrough Cook; Verse Translation by James Hall Pitman

Wallace, James Albert History of Williamsburg Church: A Discourse Delivered On Occasion of the 120Th Anniversary of the Organization of the Williamsburg Church, July 4Th, 1856. Kingstree, S.C. With Notes and an Appendix

Albert, James Richard Oxygen Consumption of Bone Marrow and Comb Tissue of Capons and Normal Chickens and the in Vitro Effect of Androgens

Woodburn, James Albert The Making of the Constitution: A Syllabus of "Madison's Journal of the Constitutional Convention," Together With a Few Outlines Based On "The Federalist.

Woodburn, James Albert The American Republic and its Government, an Analysis of the Government of the United States With A