Gabirol, Solomon Ibn Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol
Gabirol, Solomon Ibn Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol
Gabirol, Ibn Avencebrolis (Ibn Gebirol) Fons Vitae Ex Arabico in Latinum Translatus Ab Iohanne Hispano Et Dominico Gundissalino: Ex Codicibus Parisinis, Amploniano, Columbino, Volume 1, issues 2-4
Gabirol, Ibn Avencebrolis (Ibn Gebirol) Fons Vitae Ex Arabico in Latinum Translatus Ab Iohanne Hispano Et Dominico Gundissalino: Ex Codicibus Parisinis, Amploniano, Columbino, Volume 1, issues 2-4
Ibn Gabirol, 11th cent The Royal Crown: A Poem
Ibn Gabirol, 11th cent The Royal Crown: A Poem
Gabirol, Solomon Ibn Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol
Gabirol, Solomon Ibn Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol
Gabirol, Solomon Ibn