Garg, Ajay Monitoring Tools for Setting up the Hospital Project: Initial Planning, Building and Equipment
Garg, Subhash Chandra The $Ten Trillion Dream: State of Indian Economy and the Policy Reforms Agenda
Cl. Barrière, Cl. L'Art Pariétal de la Grotte de Gargas/Palaeolithic Art in the Grotte de Gargas, Part ii (14)
Hindi Sahitya Mein Anubhuthi Aur Abhivyakthi (in ref. to Mrudala Garg kruth upanyas KATGULAAB) in HINDI)
Izarny-Gargas, Raymond Bernard Etinne... 38Me Régiment D'infanterie, Historique Des Corps Qui Ont Porté Le Numéro 38