Arnold, James N 1844-1927 Vital Record of Rhode Island: 1636-1850: First Series: Births, Marriages and Deaths: a Family Register for the People; Volume 17

Harrison, Robert Notes of a Nine Years' Residence in Russia, From 1844 to 1853: With Notices of the Tzars Nicholas I. and Alexander Ii

Smith, George A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to Each of the Consular Cities of China, and to the Islands of Hong Kong and Chusan: In Behalf of the Church Missionary Society, in the Years 1844, 1845, 1846

Corwin, Charles Edward A Manual Of The Reformed Church In America (formerly Reformed Protestant Dutch Church), 1628-1922

Leichhardt, Ludwig Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia; From Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845: in large print

Gaillardin, Casimir Les Trappistes, Ou, L'ordre De Citeaux Au Xixe Siècle: Histoire De La Trappe Depuis Sa Fondation Jusqu'a Nos Jours, 1140-1844; Volume 1

Ducpetiaux, Edouard Mémoire À L'appui Du Projet De Loi Sur Les Prisons, Présenté À La Chambre Des Représentants De Belgique, Dans La Séance Du 3 Décembre 1844...

Aynard, Théodore Voyages au temps jadis en France, en Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Italie, en Sicile, en poste, en diligence, en voiturin, en traîneau, en espéronade, à cheval et en patache, de 1787 à 1844

Mauroy, P Du Commerce Des Peuples De L'Afrique Septentrionale Dans L'Antiquité, Le Moyen-Âge Et Les Temps Modernes: Comparé Au Commerce Des Arabes De Nos Jours ... Faisant Suite À La Question D'Alger En 1844

1838-1922, Solvay Ernest La Théorie Du Rayonnement Et Les Quanta: Rapports Et Discussions De La Réunion Tenue À Bruxelles, Du 30 Octobre Au 3 Novembre 1911, Sous Les Auspices De M.e. Solvay

Mayor, Alfred Goldsborough 1868-1922 A History of Tahiti; A History of Fiji; Papua, Where the Stone-age Lingers; The Men of the Mid-Pacific; The Islands of the Mid-Pacific; Java, the Exploited Islands

Mayor, Alfred Goldsborough 1868-1922 A History of Tahiti; A History of Fiji; Papua, Where the Stone-age Lingers; The Men of the Mid-Pacific; The Islands of the Mid-Pacific; Java, the Exploited Islands

Lowe, Joseph Macaulay 1844-1926 The National Old Trails Road: the Great Historic Highway of America; a Brief Resume of the Principal Events Connected With the Rebuilding of the Old ... Washington and Baltimore to Los Angeles

1770-1844, Hurwitz Hyman Kinat Yeshurun = A Hebrew Dirge, Chaunted In The Great Synagogue, St. James's Place, Aldgate, On The Day Of The Funeral Of Her Royal Highness The Princess Charlotte

Demarr, James Adventures in Australia Fifty Years Ago: Being a Record of an Emigrant's Wanderings...New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland During the Years 1839-1844

Bonnier, Gaston 1853-1922 Name This Flower: a Simple Way of Finding out the Names of Common Plants Without Previous Knowledge of Botany With 371 Coloured Drawings Representing ... Their Natural Size, and 2797 Other Figures

Simplification of Judicial Procedure in Federal Courts: Hearing Before a Subcommittee...On S. 1011, 1012, 1546, 2610, and 2870, Feb. 20, 1922

Lowe, Joseph Macaulay 1844-1926 The National Old Trails Road: the Great Historic Highway of America; a Brief Resume of the Principal Events Connected With the Rebuilding of the Old ... Washington and Baltimore to Los Angeles

TREND cirkelsågblad av PCD-fibercement, 184 mm diameter, 20 mm borrning, 4 tänder, 2,2 mm skärfog, +12° krok, PKD, grov yta, PCD/FSB/1844A

1831-1922, Peñafiel Antonio Nomenclatura geográfica de México, etimologías de los nombres de lugar correspondientes a los principales idiomas que se hablan en la República

Stapp, William Preston The Prisoners Of Perote: Containing A Journal Kept By The Author, Who Was Captured By The Mexicans, At Mier, December 25, 1842, And Released From Perote, May 16, 1844

1831-1922, Peñafiel Antonio Nomenclatura geográfica de México, etimologías de los nombres de lugar correspondientes a los principales idiomas que se hablan en la República

Ludewig, Jasper A Complicated Organism The Architecture of the Global Morovian Network 1722-1922: The Architecture of the Global Moravian Network (1722–1922)

Mauroy, P Du Commerce Des Peuples De L'Afrique Septentrionale Dans L'Antiquité, Le Moyen-Âge Et Les Temps Modernes: Comparé Au Commerce Des Arabes De Nos Jours ... Faisant Suite À La Question D'Alger En 1844