Montgomery, William The Montgomery Manuscripts: (1603-1706)
Montgomery, William The Montgomery Manuscripts: (1603-1706)
Gilbert, William Harlen 1904- Peoples of India; no. 18
Gilbert, William Harlen 1904- Peoples of India; no. 18
Gilbert, William Schwenck An Original Comic Opera, in Two Acts, Entitled Utopia (Limited), Or, the Flowers of Progress
Gilbert, William Schwenck An Original Comic Opera, in Two Acts, Entitled Utopia (Limited), Or, the Flowers of Progress
Gilbert, William De Profundis: A Tale of the Social Deposits.
Gilbert, William De Profundis: A Tale of the Social Deposits.
Gilbert, William 1544-1603 On the Lodestone and Magnetic Bodies and on the Great Magnet the Earth: a New Physiology Demonstrated With Many Arguments and Experiments
Gilbert, William 1544-1603 On the Lodestone and Magnetic Bodies and on the Great Magnet the Earth: a New Physiology Demonstrated With Many Arguments and Experiments
Gilbert, William The Struggle in Ferrara
Gilbert, William The Struggle in Ferrara
Gilbert, William Schwenck Original Plays: Second Series
Gilbert, William Schwenck Original Plays: Second Series
Gilbert, William Schwenck An Entirely Original Comic Opera: In Two Acts, Entitled the Mountebanks
Gilbert, William Schwenck An Entirely Original Comic Opera: In Two Acts, Entitled the Mountebanks
Gilbert, William Schwenck Foggerty's Fairy: And Other Tales
Gilbert, William Schwenck Foggerty's Fairy: And Other Tales
Anonymous The Boy's Treasury of Sports, Pastimes, and Recreations: With Nearly Four Hundred Engravings. Designed by Williams, and Engraved by Gilbert
Anonymous The Boy's Treasury of Sports, Pastimes, and Recreations: With Nearly Four Hundred Engravings. Designed by Williams, and Engraved by Gilbert
Whitmore, William Gilbert Marlowe, and Other Poems
Whitmore, William Gilbert Marlowe, and Other Poems
Barlow, William Conférence entre les évesques anglois et les puritains, en présence du roy d'Angleterre et d'Escosse: Hamptoncour, janvier 1603. Traduit d'anglois en françois
Barlow, William Conférence entre les évesques anglois et les puritains, en présence du roy d'Angleterre et d'Escosse: Hamptoncour, janvier 1603. Traduit d'anglois en françois
Gilbert, William Schwenck Original Plays
Gilbert, William Schwenck Original Plays
Gilbert, William Schwenck Original Plays: Second Series
Gilbert, William Schwenck Original Plays: Second Series
Gilbert, William S Fifty "Bab" Ballads: .
Gilbert, William S Fifty "Bab" Ballads: .
Walton, William The Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his Family, 1780-83
Walton, William The Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his Family, 1780-83
Gilbert, Edmund William 1900- The University Town in England and West Germany; Marburg, Göttingen, Heidelberg, and Tübingen, Viewed Comparatively With Oxford and Cambridge
Gilbert, Edmund William 1900- The University Town in England and West Germany; Marburg, Göttingen, Heidelberg, and Tübingen, Viewed Comparatively With Oxford and Cambridge
Gilbert, William S More Bab Ballads: .
Gilbert, William S More Bab Ballads: .
Winter, William A Sketch of the Life of John Gilbert
Winter, William A Sketch of the Life of John Gilbert
Gilbert, William De Profundis; Volume II
Gilbert, William De Profundis; Volume II
Gilbert, William The Landlord of 'The Sun': Vol. I
Gilbert, William The Landlord of 'The Sun': Vol. I
Gilbert, William 1544-1603