Grant, James 1808-1863 A Practical Treatise on the Law of Corporations in General, as Well as Aggregate as Sole ..

Grant, James Jane Seton; Or, The King's Advocate. A Scottish Historical Romance, In Two Volumes: Volume 2 in large print

Grant, James The Scottish Cavalier; An Historical Romance, In Three Volumes: Volume 2 in large print

Raymond, James Grant The Life of Thomas Dermody: Interspersed With Pieces of Original Poetry, Many Exhibiting Unexampled

Petigru, Jamesh L Memorial of the Late James L. Petigru Proceedings of the Bar of Charleston, S.C., March 25, 1863

Grant, James Only an Ensign; A Tale of the Retreat from Cabul, In Three Volumes: Volume 3 in large print

Douglas, Sir James Despatches and Correspondence Transmitted to the House of Assembly in Governor Douglas' Message of 3rd September, 1863

Abercrombie, James A Sermon on the Liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church: Preached Before the Convention Held in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, June 15, 1808

Grant, James Konung Gustaf Adolfs Skottska Krigare: Efter "The Memoirs of Sir John Hepburn" Ett Bidrag Till Trettioåriga Krigets Historia

Lee, Ida The Logbooks of the Lady Nelson; With the Journal of Her First Commander Lieutenant James Grant, R. N: in large print

Grant, James Only an Ensign; A Tale of the Retreat from Cabul, In Three Volumes: Volume 1 in large print

Abercrombie, James A Sermon on the Liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church: Preached Before the Convention Held in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, June 15, 1808