Gwynne, Thomas The Law Relating to the Duties On Probates and Letters of Administration in England, and Inventories of Personal Or Moveable Estates in Scotland, and ... Personal Or Moveable Estates in Great Britain

Admiralty, Great Britain Account of Improvements in Chronometers, Made by Mr. John Sweetman Eiffe; for Which a Reward was Granted to him by the Lords Commissioners of the ... of a Patent for Improvements in C

Commission, Great Britain Ecclesiasti The Certificates of the Commissioners Appointed to Survey the Chantries, Guilds, Hospitals, Etc

Society (Great Britain) Library, Royal Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal Society

Waddy, Samuel Danks The English Echo: A Practical Guide to the Conversation and Customs of Every-Day Life in Great-Britain

Era, Pharmaceutical The Era Dose Book: Compiled And Arranged Especially For Use In Prescribing And Dispensing Prescriptions: Comprising A List, With Doses, Of All ... Great Britain And Germany, Also The National

Pitt, William Speech of the Right Honourable William Pitt, in the House of Commons, Thursday, January 31, 1799, on Offering to the House the Resolutions Which he ... of an Union Between Great Britain and Ireland

Tallack, William Humanity and Humanitarianism: With Special Reference to the Prison Systems of Great Britain and the United States, the Question of Criminal Lunacy, and Capital Punishment

Mohan, La Travels In The Panjab, Afghanistan And Turkistan, To Balk, Bokhara And Herat, And A Visit To Great Britain And Germany

Robinson, M Fothergill B 1873 The Spirit of Association, Being Some Account of the Gilds, Friendly Societies, Co-operative Movement, and Trade Unions of Great Britain

Graham, Stephen 1884- Russia and the World: a Study of the War and a Statement of the World-problems That Now Confront Russia and Great Britain
![Britain, Great The Statutes at Large: From the Magna Charta, to the End of the Eleventh Parliament of Great Britain, Anno 1761 [Continued to 1807], Volume 39, part 2](https://r.kelkoo.com/resize.php?country=se&merchantId=100565793&categoryId=5101&trackingId=96964074&width=300&height=300&image=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F41aLswIcCiL._SL500_.jpg&sign=SPdpawKmmDhOixSZa3TLWt2Y9.cg_BlDGL52VYofU34-)
Britain, Great The Statutes at Large: From the Magna Charta, to the End of the Eleventh Parliament of Great Britain, Anno 1761 [Continued to 1807], Volume 39, part 2

Moule, Thomas An Essay On the Roman Villas of the Augustan Age: Their Architectural Disposition and Enrichments; and On the Remains of Roman Domestic Edifices Discovered in Great Britain

Anonymous Calendar of Documents Preserved in France: Illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland. A.D. 918-1206; Volume 1
![Thackeray, William Makepeace The Four Georges [George I George Iv, Kings of Great Britain] Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court, and Town Life](https://r.kelkoo.com/resize.php?country=se&merchantId=100565793&categoryId=5101&trackingId=96964074&width=300&height=300&image=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F41BxlUV8tCL._SL500_.jpg&sign=XJ3oW6VMVmE_Nzl4dCxrSD9RBvwxvxiyl.NacleI8ns-)
Thackeray, William Makepeace The Four Georges [George I George Iv, Kings of Great Britain] Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court, and Town Life

James, William The Naval History of Great Britain, From ... 1793, to ... 1820, With an Account of the Origin and Increase of the British Navy. Chamier

Exchequer, Great Britain Inquisitions And Assessments Relating To Feudal Aids, With Other Analogous Documents Preserved In The Public Record Office

Britain, Great Arbitration of Outstanding Pecuniary Claims Between Great Britain and the United States of America: The Cayuga Indians

Charnock, Richard Stephen Prænomina. Or, The Etymology of the Principal Christian Names of Great Britain and Ireland

Fuller, Melville Weston The Early History of Illinois: From Its Discovery by the French, in 1673, Until Its Cession to Great Britain in 1763, Including the Narrative of Marquette's Discovery of the Mississippi

Campbell, John Naval History Of Great Britain: Including The History And Lives Of The British Admirals; Volume 3

Original Papers Containing The Secret History Of Great Britain, From The Restoration To The Accession Of The House Of Hannover, To Which Are Prefixed Extracts From The Life Of James Ii

Roosevelt, Theodore The Naval War of 1812 ; Or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans

Strickland, Agnes Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses Connected With the Regal Succession of Great Britain; Volume 6

The Geology Of Pennsylvania: A Government Survey: With A General View Of The Geology Of The United States, Essays On Coal-formation And Its Fossils, ... America And Great Britain, Volume 2, Part 2

Controversy and Compromise: Alliance Politics between Great Britain, Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America

O'Malley, Edward Loughlin Reports of the Decisions of the Judges for the Trial of Election Petitions in Great Britain and Ireland: Pursuant to the Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868, Volumes 4-6

Ramsay, Allan A Plan Of Reconciliation Between Great Britain And Her Colonies: ... By The Author Of The Historical Essay On The English Constitution

Hall, Townshend M Mineralogist's Directory: Or, A Guide To The Principal Mineral Localities Of Great Britain And Ireland

Parliament, Great Britain A Method To Prevent, Without A Register, The Running Of Wool From Ireland To France, And To Other Foreign Parts

Commissioners, Great Britain Poor Law Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales; Volume 3

Defoe, Daniel The Dumb Philosopher, or, Great Britain's Wonder: Containing I.A Faithful and Very Surprizing Account how Dickory Cronke, a Tinner's son in the County ... and how Some Days Before he Died, he Came To

Pope, Catholic Church Calendar Of Entries In The Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain And Ireland: 1417-1431

Britain, Great The Land Transfer Act, 1875 (38 & 39 Vict. Cap. 87): Handy-book On The Registration Of Title And Transfer Of Land, With The Act, General Rules And ... Explanatory Notes And Practical Suggestions

Cooper, Thompson A New Biographical Dictionary: Containing Concise Notices of Eminent Persons of All Ages and Countries: And More Particularly of ... Great Britain and Ireland

Papworth, John W 1820-1870 An Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms Belonging to Families in Great Britain and Ireland: Forming an Extensive Ordinary of British Armorials: Upon an Entirely new Plan: 2

& Sons, Veitch A Manual of the Coniferae, Containing a General Review of the Order; a Synopsis of the Hardy Kinds Cultivated in Great Britain; Their Place and use in ... etc. With Numerous Woodcuts and Illustrations

Campbell, John Naval History Of Great Britain: Including The History And Lives Of The British Admirals; Volume 5

Tallack, William Defects in the Criminal Administration and Penal Legislation of Great Britain and Ireland, with Remedial Legislation

James, William The Naval History of Great Britain, From the Declaration of war by France in 1793, to the Accession of George IV: A new ed., With Additions and Notes, Bringing the Work Down to 1827; Volume 3

Inspector, Great Britain Chief Memorandum Giving Some Account of the Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Great Britain: With Appendices Containing Schemes, Time-Tables, and Other Documents in Illustration of the System

Grahame, Thomas A Letter, On the Present System of Legislation Which Regulates Internal Intercourse in Great Britain: With Strictures On the New Principles Rapidly ... in This Department of British Policy
![Admiralty, Great Britain Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles Ii: 1660-[1685]; Volume 12](https://r.kelkoo.com/resize.php?country=se&merchantId=100565793&categoryId=5101&trackingId=96964074&width=300&height=300&image=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F417IL5WxWPL._SL500_.jpg&sign=ege3cHJBXDBvGtbGX6V33EuVB1nEx_zm78gjaQRy40g-)
Admiralty, Great Britain Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles Ii: 1660-[1685]; Volume 12

Murray, Gilbert Great Britain's Sea Policy; A Reply to an American Critic, reprinted from 'The Atlantic Monthly'

Society (Great Britain), Sidney Webb The Education Muddle and the Way Out: A Constructive Criticism of English Educational Machinery

Gasquet, Francis Aidan Great Britain and the Holy See, 1792-1806: A Chapter in the History of Diplomatic Relations Between England and Rome

Clarke, Clarke The Georgian Era: Memoirs of the Most Eminent Persons, who Have Flourished in Great Britain, From the Accession of George the First to the Demise of George the Fourth ..; Volume 4

Ovid's Metamorphoses: Epitomized In An English Poetical Style For The Use And Entertainment Of The Ladies Of Great Britain

Burke, Sir Bernard A Genealogical And Heraldic Dictionary Of The Landed Gentry Of Great Britain & Ireland For 1852: A Genealogical And Heraldic Dictionary Of The Landed Gentry Of Great Britain & Ireland For 1852