Lukács, György Ontologia dell'essere sociale (Vol. 4) Dragomán, György Löwenchor: Novellen Kmety, György A Narrative Of The Defence Of Kars ... 1855. Transl Ligeti-Labyrinth: Dokumente zum Schaffen György Ligetis, 1941-2001 Stahnke, Manfred György Ligeti's "Horn Concerto": Aspects of Microtonality Pray, György Historia Regvm Hvngariae Stirpis Avstriacae... Mannen utan öde, Ljudbok Lukács, György The Specificity of the Aesthetic, Volume 1: 276 Konrád, György Das Buch Kalligaro Simon, Jr. György The Yugoslav Model of Socialism. Lessons from an Experiment Barta, György Niemandskinder Buday, György Dances of Hungary Kmety, György A Narrative Of The Defence Of Kars ... 1855. Transl