Wesley, Alexander Charles History and Legends of the Old Liberty Bell in Independence Hall, at Philadelphia

Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard A Brief Account of the Life, Writings, and Inventions of Sir Samuel Morland: Master of Mechanics to Charles the Second

Hamel, Claude Charles Genealogy of the Descendants of Nicholas and Margareta (Baatz) Frisch, of Haller, Canton of Echternach, Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, by Claude Charles Hamel.

Richardson, Samuel The Novels Of Samuel Richardson, Esq: Viz. Pamela, Clarissa Harlowe, And Sir Charles Grandison In Three Volumes, To Which Is Prefixed A Memoir Of The Life Of The Author; Volume 1

Butler, Samuel Evolution, Old & New: Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin

Winslow, Charles-Edward Amory Elements of Water Bacteriology With Special Reference to Sanitary Water Analysis by Samuel Cate Pres

Stewart, Charles Samuel Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1823, 1824, and 1825: Including Remarks On The Manners and Customs of The ... Description of The Ceremonies Observed at The

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King Charles Preserved: an Account of His Escape After the Battle of Worcester, Dictated by the King Himself to Samuel Pepys

Gordon, Charles George General Gordon's Private Diary of his Exploits in China: Amplified by Samuel Mossman ... With Portraits and Map

Butler, Samuel Posthumous Works In Prose And Verse,: Written In The Time Of The Civil Wars And Reign Of K. Charles Ii

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Morton, William H Sixty Years' Stage Service: Being a Record of the Life of Charles Morton, "The Father of the Halls.

Viel, Charles-François Dissertations sur les projets de coupoles de la Halle au blé de Paris: et moyens de confortation des murs extérieurs contre la poussée de la voûte annulaire de cet édifice

Hall, Samuel Carter Tenby: Its History, Antiquities, Scenery, Traditions, And Customs, By Mr. And Mrs. S.c. Hall

Gompers, Samuel Debate Between Samuel Gompers and Henry J. Allen at Carnegie Hall, New York, May 28, 1920

Butler, Samuel Evolution, Old and New: Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, As Compared with That of Mr. Charles Darwin. Op. 4

Evans, Mary Ellen 1912- The Seed and the Glory; the Career of Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli, O.P., on the Mid-American Frontier

Butler, Samuel Posthumous Works In Prose And Verse,: Written In The Time Of The Civil Wars And Reign Of K. Charles Ii

Hill, Samuel Charles Bengal in 1756-57, a Selection of Public and Private Papers Dealing With the Affairs of the British in Bengal During the Reign of Siraj-Uddaula; With Notes and an Historical Introduction; Volume 3

Morton, William H Sixty Years' Stage Service: Being a Record of the Life of Charles Morton, "The Father of the Halls.

Halle, Johann Samuel Fortgesetzte Magie: Oder, Die Zauberkräfte Der Natur : So Auf Den Nutzen Und Die Belustigung Angewandt Worden

Hall, Charles Samuel Life and Letters of Samuel Holden Parsons: Major-General in the Continental Army and Chief Judge of the Northwestern Territory, 1737-1789

Fox, Charles An Examination Of A Case Of Church Discipline, Lately Adjudged By The Right Rev. Samuel A. Mccoskry, D.d., Bishop Of The Diocese Of Michigan