Anderson, John 1833-1900 Anatomical and Zoological Researches: Comprising an Account of the Zoological Results of the Two Expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875; and a ... Platanista and Orcella; v.2 (1878) [Plates]
Anderson, John 1833-1900 Anatomical and Zoological Researches: Comprising an Account of the Zoological Results of the Two Expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875; and a ... Platanista and Orcella; v.2 (1878) [Plates]
Mill, John Stuart 1806-1873 Lord Durham and the Canadians [microform]: a Reprint From the January Number of the London and Westminster Review
Mill, John Stuart 1806-1873 Lord Durham and the Canadians [microform]: a Reprint From the January Number of the London and Westminster Review
Vapaudesta, Ljudbok
Vapaudesta, Ljudbok
Parker, John Henry 1806-1884 Mediaeval Church & Altar Decorations in Rome & Mosaic Pictures in Chronological Order
Parker, John Henry 1806-1884 Mediaeval Church & Altar Decorations in Rome & Mosaic Pictures in Chronological Order
Gries, John M B 1877 Planning for Residential Districts; Reports of the Committees on City Planning and Zoning, Frederic A. Delano, Chairman; Subdivision Layout, Harland ... Chairman; Landscape Planning and Planting, Jo
Gries, John M B 1877 Planning for Residential Districts; Reports of the Committees on City Planning and Zoning, Frederic A. Delano, Chairman; Subdivision Layout, Harland ... Chairman; Landscape Planning and Planting, Jo
Hutton, John Alexander 1868-1947 The Authority and Person of Our Lord
Hutton, John Alexander 1868-1947 The Authority and Person of Our Lord
McDougall, John In the Days of the Red River Rebellion. Life and Adventure in the far West of Canada (1868-1872)
McDougall, John In the Days of the Red River Rebellion. Life and Adventure in the far West of Canada (1868-1872)
Harland, John Lancashire Lyrics: Modern Songs and Ballads
Harland, John Lancashire Lyrics: Modern Songs and Ballads
Roebling, John Augustus 1806-1869 Report on the Condition of the Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge
Roebling, John Augustus 1806-1869 Report on the Condition of the Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge
Parker, John Henry 1806-1884 A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture; 2
Parker, John Henry 1806-1884 A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture; 2
Harland, John The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths: Part III
Harland, John The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths: Part III
Du Bois, W E. B. 1868-1963 John Brown
Du Bois, W E. B. 1868-1963 John Brown
Hewitt, John Theodore 1868- Elementary Practical Chemistry. Inorganic and Organic
Hewitt, John Theodore 1868- Elementary Practical Chemistry. Inorganic and Organic
Hadfield, William 1806-1887 Brazil and the River Plate in 1868: Showing the Progress of Those Countries Since His Former Visit in 1853
Hadfield, William 1806-1887 Brazil and the River Plate in 1868: Showing the Progress of Those Countries Since His Former Visit in 1853
Harland, John The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths: Part III
Harland, John The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths: Part III
Akerman, John Yonge 1806-1873 Tradesmen's Tokens, Current in London and Its Vicinity Between the Years 1648 and 1672
Akerman, John Yonge 1806-1873 Tradesmen's Tokens, Current in London and Its Vicinity Between the Years 1648 and 1672
Harland, John 1806-1868 Lancashire Legends, Traditions, Pageants, Sports, &c. ; With an Appendix Containing a Rare Tract on the Lancashire Witches, &c., &c.
Harland, John 1806-1868 Lancashire Legends, Traditions, Pageants, Sports, &c. ; With an Appendix Containing a Rare Tract on the Lancashire Witches, &c., &c.
Lorimer, John Gordon 1804-1868 The Deaconship: a Treatise on the Office of Deacon, With Suggestions for Its Revival in the Church of Scotland
Lorimer, John Gordon 1804-1868 The Deaconship: a Treatise on the Office of Deacon, With Suggestions for Its Revival in the Church of Scotland
Anderson, John Mandalay to Momien: A Narrative of the two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875, Under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne
Anderson, John Mandalay to Momien: A Narrative of the two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875, Under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne
Hassall, John 1868-194 Jones of the 64th: a Tale of the Battles of Assaye and Laswaree
Hassall, John 1868-194 Jones of the 64th: a Tale of the Battles of Assaye and Laswaree
McDougall, John In the Days of the Red River Rebellion. Life and Adventure in the far West of Canada (1868-1872)
McDougall, John In the Days of the Red River Rebellion. Life and Adventure in the far West of Canada (1868-1872)
Weiß, Joh. B. Weltgeschichte: XX. Band: Allgemeine Geschichte von 1800 bis 1806
Weiß, Joh. B. Weltgeschichte: XX. Band: Allgemeine Geschichte von 1800 bis 1806
Brown, John Newton 1803-1868 History of the American Baptist Publication Society: From Its Origin in 1824 to Its Thirty-second Anniversary in 1856
Brown, John Newton 1803-1868 History of the American Baptist Publication Society: From Its Origin in 1824 to Its Thirty-second Anniversary in 1856
Harland, John Ballads & Songs of Lancashire
Harland, John Ballads & Songs of Lancashire
Howell, John Journal of a Soldier of the 71St, Or Glasgow Regiment: Highland Light Infantry, From 1806 to 1815
Howell, John Journal of a Soldier of the 71St, Or Glasgow Regiment: Highland Light Infantry, From 1806 to 1815
Kirby, John Walker 1868- Historical and Genealogical Record of the Kirby Family, the Durkee Family [and] the Walker Family
Kirby, John Walker 1868- Historical and Genealogical Record of the Kirby Family, the Durkee Family [and] the Walker Family
Falconer, James W. 1868-1956 John Geddie: Hero of the New Hebrides
Falconer, James W. 1868-1956 John Geddie: Hero of the New Hebrides
Abercrombie, John 1726-1806 A General System of Trees and Shrubs: for All Useful and Ornamental Plantations, in Gardens, Pleasure Grounds, Shrubberies ... Forming a Compleat ... Shrubs, Agreeable to the Linnaean System ...
Abercrombie, John 1726-1806 A General System of Trees and Shrubs: for All Useful and Ornamental Plantations, in Gardens, Pleasure Grounds, Shrubberies ... Forming a Compleat ... Shrubs, Agreeable to the Linnaean System ...
Parker, John Henry 1806-1884 A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture; v.1 text
Parker, John Henry 1806-1884 A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture; v.1 text
Adams, John 1806-1877 The Anatomy and Diseases of the Prostate Gland
Adams, John 1806-1877 The Anatomy and Diseases of the Prostate Gland
Mullock, John Thomas 1806-1869 Rome, Past and Present [microform]: a Lecture Delivered in St. Dunstan's Cathedral, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on Thursday August 16, 1860
Mullock, John Thomas 1806-1869 Rome, Past and Present [microform]: a Lecture Delivered in St. Dunstan's Cathedral, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on Thursday August 16, 1860
Anonymous A Tinker Family: The Ancestors And Descendants Of Joseph Wescot Tinker, Ellsworth, Me., 1791-1868. A Descendant Of John Tinker Of Boston, 1638
Anonymous A Tinker Family: The Ancestors And Descendants Of Joseph Wescot Tinker, Ellsworth, Me., 1791-1868. A Descendant Of John Tinker Of Boston, 1638
Parker, John Henry 1806-1884 A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture; 1
Parker, John Henry 1806-1884 A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture; 1
Leeser, Isaac 1806-1868 The Claims of the Jews to an Equality of Rights: Illustrated in a Series of Letters to the Editor of the Philadelphia Gazette
Leeser, Isaac 1806-1868 The Claims of the Jews to an Equality of Rights: Illustrated in a Series of Letters to the Editor of the Philadelphia Gazette
The military services and public life of Major-General John Sullivan of the American Revolutionary army 1868 [Hardcover]
The military services and public life of Major-General John Sullivan of the American Revolutionary army 1868 [Hardcover]
Harland, John Ballads & Songs of Lancashire, Ancient and Modern
Harland, John Ballads & Songs of Lancashire, Ancient and Modern
Wheeler, John H. 1806-1882 Historical Sketches of North Carolina: From 1584 to 1851, Compiled From Original Records, Official Documents and Traditional Statements ; With ... Lawyers, Soldiers, Divines, etc.; Volume 1
Wheeler, John H. 1806-1882 Historical Sketches of North Carolina: From 1584 to 1851, Compiled From Original Records, Official Documents and Traditional Statements ; With ... Lawyers, Soldiers, Divines, etc.; Volume 1
Crosby, John Leland Eliza Leland (adams) Crosby: Born At Bucksport, Maine, October 24, 1806: Died At Bangor, Maine, September 4, 1898
Crosby, John Leland Eliza Leland (adams) Crosby: Born At Bucksport, Maine, October 24, 1806: Died At Bangor, Maine, September 4, 1898
Osborne, John Ball 1868- The Story of Arlington. A History and Description of the Estate and National Cemetery, Containing a Complete List of Officers of the Army and Navy ... and Spanish Wars, and Notable Memorial...
Osborne, John Ball 1868- The Story of Arlington. A History and Description of the Estate and National Cemetery, Containing a Complete List of Officers of the Army and Navy ... and Spanish Wars, and Notable Memorial...
Anonymous A Tinker Family: The Ancestors And Descendants Of Joseph Wescot Tinker, Ellsworth, Me., 1791-1868. A Descendant Of John Tinker Of Boston, 1638
Anonymous A Tinker Family: The Ancestors And Descendants Of Joseph Wescot Tinker, Ellsworth, Me., 1791-1868. A Descendant Of John Tinker Of Boston, 1638
Harland, John Ballads & Songs of Lancashire: Chiefly Older Than the 19Th Century
Harland, John Ballads & Songs of Lancashire: Chiefly Older Than the 19Th Century
Howell, John Journal of a Soldier of the 71St, Or Glasgow Regiment: Highland Light Infantry, From 1806 to 1815
Howell, John Journal of a Soldier of the 71St, Or Glasgow Regiment: Highland Light Infantry, From 1806 to 1815
Ferris, John Alexander 1806-1874 The Financial Economy of the United States Illustrated: and Some of the Causes Which Retard the Progress of California Demonstrated : With a Relevant Appendix
Ferris, John Alexander 1806-1874 The Financial Economy of the United States Illustrated: and Some of the Causes Which Retard the Progress of California Demonstrated : With a Relevant Appendix
Ivimey, John W. b. 1868 Complete Version of ye Three Blind Mice
Ivimey, John W. b. 1868 Complete Version of ye Three Blind Mice
Baggs, Charles Michael 1806-1845 The Ceremonies of Holy-Week at the Vatican and S. John Lateran's: Described, and Illustrated From History and Antiquities ; With an Account of the ... and the Ceremonies of Holy-Week at Jerusalem
Baggs, Charles Michael 1806-1845 The Ceremonies of Holy-Week at the Vatican and S. John Lateran's: Described, and Illustrated From History and Antiquities ; With an Account of the ... and the Ceremonies of Holy-Week at Jerusalem
Green, John The Vicissitudes of a Soldier's Life: Or, a Series of Occurrences From 1806 to 1815
Green, John The Vicissitudes of a Soldier's Life: Or, a Series of Occurrences From 1806 to 1815
Harland, John The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts: Part II
Harland, John The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts: Part II
Mill, John Stuart 1806-1873 A Synopsis of the First Three Books of John Stuart Mill's Principles of Political Economy
Mill, John Stuart 1806-1873 A Synopsis of the First Three Books of John Stuart Mill's Principles of Political Economy
Anderson, John Mandalay to Momien; A narrative of the two expeditions to western China of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne
Anderson, John Mandalay to Momien; A narrative of the two expeditions to western China of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne
Address by Rev. John Fraser, of Kincardine, in the Debate on Instrumental Music at the Synod in Montreal, June 12th, 1868 [microform]
Address by Rev. John Fraser, of Kincardine, in the Debate on Instrumental Music at the Synod in Montreal, June 12th, 1868 [microform]
Harland, John 1806-1868 Lancashire Legends, Traditions, Pageants, Sports, &c. ; With an Appendix Containing a Rare Tract on the Lancashire Witches, &c., &c.
Harland, John 1806-1868 Lancashire Legends, Traditions, Pageants, Sports, &c. ; With an Appendix Containing a Rare Tract on the Lancashire Witches, &c., &c.
Harland, John 1806-1868