Minto, Gilbert Elliot Life and Letters of Sir Gilbert Elliot, First Earl of Minto, From 1751 to 1806, When His Public Life in Europe Was Closed by His Appointment to the Vice-Royalty of India; Volume 2

Robinson, Thomas Hastings Addresses Delivered Before the Dauphin County Historical Society: In the State Capitol, Harrisburg, July 4, 1876

White, Gilbert The Natural History And Antiquities Of Selborne, In The County Of Southampton: By The Rev. Gilbert White, M.a

Totten, Joseph Gilbert Report Addressed to the Hon. Jefferson Davis: Secretary of War, On the Effects of Firing With Heavy Ordnance From Casement Embrasures: And Also the ... of Missiles: In the Years 1852, '53, '54,

Maire, Gilbert Entretien entre D'Alembert et Diderot; Rêve de D'Alembert; Suite de l'entretien. Introd. et notes de Gilbert Maire

Stadeker, Gilbert The Electrification Project of the Chicago Surburban Service of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy R. R

Bell, Henry Nugent The Huntingdon Peerage, a Detailed Account of the Recent Restoration of the Earldom; to Which Is Prefixed a History of the House of Hastings

Stadeker, Gilbert The Electrification Project of the Chicago Surburban Service of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy R. R

Cumberland, Richard The Battle Of Hastings: A Tragedy, As It Is Acted At The Theatre-royal In Drury-lane

Gilbert, John Thomas The Manuscripts of the Marquis of Ormonde, the Earl of Fingall, the Corporations of Waterford, Galwa

Hastings, Diana Granmama's and Vincent's Dreamland Journey Book 6: Vincent's Dream Freeze Ice Cream Parlor

Cuzent, Gilbert Îles De La Société Tahiti: Considérations Géologiques, Météorologiques Et Botaniques Sur L'île. État Moral Actuel Des Tahitiens, Traits ... Des Produits Utiles Au Commerce Et a L...

White, Gilbert The Natural History And Antiquities Of Selborne: With Observations On Various Parts Of Nature And The Naturalists Calendar

Holland, Josiah Gilbert History of Western Massachusetts: The Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire. Embracing an Outline Aspects and Leading Interests, and Separate Histories of Its One Hundred Towns

Gilbert, Alfred Carlton Gilbert Handkerchief Tricks For Boys: Provides Instruction In Tricks Made Famous By Well-known Artists And Furnishes A Novel Entertainment For Any Program