McNair, James Birtley 1889-1967 Sugar and Sugar-making; Fieldiana, Popular Series, Botany, no. 13
McNair, James Birtley 1889-1967 Sugar and Sugar-making; Fieldiana, Popular Series, Botany, no. 13
Frank, Waldo David 1889-1967 The Art of the Vieux Colombier: a Contribution of France to the Contemporary Stage
Frank, Waldo David 1889-1967 The Art of the Vieux Colombier: a Contribution of France to the Contemporary Stage
Constitution, Montana Constitution of the State of Montana: As Adopted by the Constitutional Convention August 17, 1889 ; Ratified by the People October 1, 1889 ; Amended ... State Admitted, November 8, 1889: 1967
Constitution, Montana Constitution of the State of Montana: As Adopted by the Constitutional Convention August 17, 1889 ; Ratified by the People October 1, 1889 ; Amended ... State Admitted, November 8, 1889: 1967
Constitution, Montana Constitution of the State of Montana: As Adopted by the Constitutional Convention August 17, 1889 ; Ratified by the People October 1, 1889 ; Amended ... State Admitted, November 8, 1889: 1967
Constitution, Montana Constitution of the State of Montana: As Adopted by the Constitutional Convention August 17, 1889 ; Ratified by the People October 1, 1889 ; Amended ... State Admitted, November 8, 1889: 1967
Heimann, Eduard 1889-1967