Historicus Bulgaria and Her Neighbors: An Historic Presentation of the Background of the Balkan Problem, One of the Basic Issues of the World-War
Historicus Bulgaria and Her Neighbors: An Historic Presentation of the Background of the Balkan Problem, One of the Basic Issues of the World-War
Scriba, Friedemann Historicus* Wie wir Geschichte erleben: Resonanz Verstehen Begegnung
Scriba, Friedemann Historicus* Wie wir Geschichte erleben: Resonanz Verstehen Begegnung
Cicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero Historicus
Cicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero Historicus
Historicus, Historicus The Life of William III, Prince of Orange and King of Great Britain and Ireland
Historicus, Historicus The Life of William III, Prince of Orange and King of Great Britain and Ireland