Porter, William Smith Sheffield Literary and Philosophical Society; a Centenary Retrospect, 1822-1922

Bacon, William Plumb Ancestry of Daniel James Seely, St. George, N. B., 1826, and of Charlotte Louisa Vail, Sussex, N. B., 1837- St. John, N. B., 1912; With a List of Their Descendants

Lindley, William B Record of the Descendants of James Henry Rosenberger (1821-1867) of Boone County, Ind., by His First Wife Elizabeth Mills (1821-1964) and His Second Wife Almyrah (Greist) Hadley ( -1922)

Hooper, William Rational Recreations: In Which the Principles of Numbers and Natural Philosophy Are Clearly and Copiously Elucidated, by a Series of Easy, ... Commonly Performed With the Cards; Volume 2

Howard-Vyse, Richard William Howard Operations Carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837: With an Account of a Voyage Into Upper Egypt, and an Appendix: 2

Filley, William Life and Adventures of William Filley, who was Stolen From his Home in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians, August 3d, 1837, and his Safe Return From ... October 19, 1866 After an Absence of 29 Years

Howard-Vyse, Richard William Howard Operations Carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837: With an Account of a Voyage Into Upper Egypt, and an Appendix: 2