Richardson, James D A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents: James Knox Polk; Volume 4; Pt. 3

Bailiff, James D. Mining for Meaning: Harvesting Rich Veins of Meaning from Our Relationships with God, One Another, and Nature

Dunn, James D G (University of Durham) Beginning from Jerusalem: Christianity in the Making, Volume 2

Arminius, Jacobus The Works of James Arminius, D. D., Formerly Professor of Divinity in the University of Leyden; Volume 2

Justin, Placide Histoire Politique Et Statistique De L'île D'hayti: Saint-Domingue; Écrite Sur Des Documents Officiels Et Des Notes Communiquées Par Sir James Barskett ...

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Robertson, James Craigie History of the Christian Church, From the Apostolic Age to the Reformation, A.D. 64-1517; Volume 1

Paley, William The Works of William Paley, D.D.: Horæ Paulinæ The Young Christian Instructed; the Clergyman's Companion, &c

Alexander, James Waddel The Life Of Archibald Alexander, D. D. Ll. D.: First Professor In The Theological Seminary, At Princeton, New Jersey

Alexander, James Waddel The Life Of Archibald Alexander, D. D. Ll. D.: First Professor In The Theological Seminary, At Princeton, New Jersey

Robertson, James Craigie History of the Christian Church. From the Apostolic Age to the Reformation, A. D. 64-1517: Vol. VIII

Anonymous The Autobiography and Correspondence of Sir Simonds D'ewes, Bart., During the Reigns of James I. and Charles I

Furnivall, Frederick James William Stafford's Compendious of Briefe Examination of Certayne Ordinary Complaints of Diuers of Our Countrymen in These Our Dayes, A. D. 1581, ... "A Briefe Conceipt of English Pollicy.")

Richardson, James D A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents: John Tyler; Volume 4; Pt. 2

Leaming, James Rosebrugh Memoir of George P. Cammann, M.D.: Read Before the New York Academy of Medicine, October 21St, 1863

Gairdner, James The Paston Letters, 1422-1509 A.D.: A Reprint of the Edition of 1872-5, Which Contained Upwards of Five Hundred Letters, etc., Till Then Unpublished, ... A Supplement After the Introduction; Volume 3

Harrington, James Oeuvres Politiques: Contenant La République D'oceana, Les Aphorismes Et Les Autres Traités Du Même Auteur, Volume 1...

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Boswell, James État De La Corse: Suivi D'un Journal D'un Voyage Dans L'îsle Et Des Mémoires De Pascal Paoli : Trad. De L'anglais Et De L'ital; Volume 1

Feltus, George Haws The Feltus Family Book: Containing a Biographical Sketch of the Rev. Henry James Feltus, D.D., Late Rector of St. Stevens, New York City, Together With a Genealogy of All Descendants to Date

Forbes, James Jean Ogilvie, Écossais, Jésuite, Torturé Et Mis À Mort Pour La Foi À Glascow, Le 10 Mars 1615, Déclaré Vénérable, D'après Les Documents Contemporains Presque Tous Peu Connus Ou Inédits...

Floy, James Memorial Services of the Rev. James Floy, D.D.: Held at the Seventh St. M.E. Church, N.Y., November