Fisher, R. Michael The Fear Problematique: Role of Philosophy of Education in Speaking Truths to Powers in a Culture of Fear

Fullom, Stephen Watson The Life of General Sir Howard Douglas: Bart., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., F.R.S., D.C.L., From His Notes, Conversations, and Correspondence

Smith, Clark Ashton To Worlds Unknown: The Letters of Clark Ashton Smith, Donald Wandrei, Howard Wandrei, and R. H. Barlow

Howard, Dr. Michael D. A Legacy Worth Fighting For: Becoming the Man, Husband, and Father That God Has Called You to Be

Berndt, Michael R.I.S.K. Der menschliche Vorteil im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz: Wie Führungskräfte und Unternehmen das menschliche Potenzial nutzen, um in einer KI-getriebenen Welt zu wachsen.