Crosby, Howard The Œdipus Tyrannus of Sophocles: With English Notes, for the Use of Students in Schools and Colleges Crosby, Howard The Œdipus Tyrannus of Sophocles: With English Notes, for the Use of Students in Schools and Colleges Howard College The Catalogue, Thirty-Second Annual Session 1874 1875 College, Howard Thirty-eighth Annual Catalogue and Register of Howard College 1880 1881 Anonymous Speech of His Eminence Cardinal Newman on the Reception of the "Biglietto" at Cardinal Howard's Palace in Rome on the 12th of May 1879: With the ... Reply to it, at the English College on T Bement, Howard Old Man Dare's Talks to College Men Jackson Howard University College of Dentistry at 140 Years: : Mission, Legacy, and Promise Anonymous Forty-First Annual Catalogue and Register of Howard College 1882 1883 Sök bara efter: Howard College