Cecil, Hugh Richard Heathcote Conservatism
Cecil, Hugh Richard Heathcote Conservatism
Stokes, Hugh 1875-1932 Girtin and Bonington
Stokes, Hugh 1875-1932 Girtin and Bonington
Hughes, Cecil Eldred 1875- Early English Water-colour. With a Frontispiece in Colour and Thirty-six Other Illus
Hughes, Cecil Eldred 1875- Early English Water-colour. With a Frontispiece in Colour and Thirty-six Other Illus
Hughes, Cecil Eldred 1875- Early English Water-colour. With a Frontispiece in Colour and Thirty-six Other Illus
Hughes, Cecil Eldred 1875- Early English Water-colour. With a Frontispiece in Colour and Thirty-six Other Illus
Stokes, Hugh 1875-1932 The Art Treasures of London: Painting. A Chronological Guide to the Schools of Painting as Represented in the Public Galleries of London, the ... University Museums of Oxford & Cambridge..
Stokes, Hugh 1875-1932 The Art Treasures of London: Painting. A Chronological Guide to the Schools of Painting as Represented in the Public Galleries of London, the ... University Museums of Oxford & Cambridge..
Cecil, Lord Hugh Liberty and Authority
Cecil, Lord Hugh Liberty and Authority
Hughes, Cecil Eldred 1875-