Maurice, C. Edmund The Revolutionary Movement of 1848-9 in Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany; With Some Examination of the Previous Thirty-three Years

Hungary Die Strafproceßordnung für die im Reichsrathe vertretenen Königreiche und Länder der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie vom 23. Mai 1873 und deren Einführungsgesetz.

Reichard, Heinrich August Ottokar An Itinerary of Germany; Or, Traveller's Guide Through That Country: To Which Is Added an Itinerary of Hungary and Turkey

Affairs Of Hungary, 1849-1850: Message From The President Of The United States, Transmitting Correspondence With A. Dudley Mann (1849-1850) In ... 7, 1909, Relating To Affairs Of Hungary

Tresic-Pavicic, Ante In Darkest Europe. Austria-Hungary's Effort to Exterminate her Jugoslav Subjects. Speeches and Questions in the Parliaments of Vienna and Budapest and in the Croatian Sabor (Diet) in Zagreb

Tresic-Pavicic, Ante In Darkest Europe. Austria-Hungary's Effort to Exterminate her Jugoslav Subjects. Speeches and Questions in the Parliaments of Vienna and Budapest and in the Croatian Sabor (Diet) in Zagreb

Bakó, Beáta Challenges to EU Values in Hungary: How the European Union Misunderstood the Government of Viktor Orbán

Pearson, C H Continental Railway Investigations. Report to the Board of Trade on Railways in Austria and Hungary

The Life of Louis Kossuth, Governor of Hungary, Including Notices of the Men and Scenes of the Hungarian Revolution; to Which is Added an Appendix Containing His Principal Speeches, &c

Austria-Hungary's Last War, 1914-1918 Vol 1 (1914): Outbreak of War to the Outcome of the Battle of Limanowa-Lapanow (1)

Whelpley, James Davenport The Problem of the Immigrant, a Brief Discussion, With a Summary of Conditions, Laws, and Regulations Governing the Movement of Population to and From ... Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Spain,

Nuckols, Mark Eliot Travels With Ferdinand and Friends: A Centennial Journey Through Austria-Hungary

Her Majesty Elizabeth of Austria-Hungary, the Beautiful, Tragic Empress of Europe's Most Brilliant Court; 1934
![Spencer, Edmund Sketches of Germany and the Germans, With a Glance at Poland, Hungary, & Switzerland, in 1834,1835, and 1836, by an Englishman Resident in Germany [E. Spencer]](https://r.kelkoo.com/resize.php?country=se&merchantId=100565793&categoryId=5101&trackingId=96964074&width=300&height=300&image=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F41s9DFw6WnL._SL500_.jpg&sign=vFcmR0G5sYM4gLObJ3EEZzcVB.VVFNvkL8_Pc2dALpI-)
Spencer, Edmund Sketches of Germany and the Germans, With a Glance at Poland, Hungary, & Switzerland, in 1834,1835, and 1836, by an Englishman Resident in Germany [E. Spencer]

Csizér, Kata Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: A Multi-Perspective Investigation in Hungary: 27