Somadeva Bhatta, 11th cent The Ocean of Story, Being C.H. Tawney's Translation of Somadeva's Katha Sarit Sagara (or Ocean of Streams of Story) of 10; Volume 7 Ibn Gabirol, 11th Cent The Royal Crown: A Poem Gabirol, Ibn Avencebrolis (Ibn Gebirol) Fons Vitae Ex Arabico in Latinum Translatus Ab Iohanne Hispano Et Dominico Gundissalino: Ex Codicibus Parisinis, Amploniano, Columbino, Volume 1, issues 2-4 Antarah Ibn Shaddd, 6th Cent Kitb munyat al-nafs f ashr Antar Abs Mr ibn Sulaymn, 13th cent Akhbar Fatarikat Kursi al-Mashriq min kitab al-majdal: 2 Sök bara efter: Ibn Gabirol, 11th Cent