Isocrates Isocrate. Il Panegirico Isocrates Isocratis Opera Omnia Graecè Et Latinè: Cum Versione Nova, Triplici Indice, Variantibus Lectionibus, Et Notis; Volume 2 Isocrates: Cyprian Orations: Evagoras, Ad Nicoclem, Nicocles Aut Cyprii Frank, Henry The Fourth Oration of Isocrates, Called the Panegyric: As Being Addressed to the Universal Assembly of All Greece, Exhorting the Grecians to Concord, and Undertaking Jointly a War Against the Persians The influence of Isocrates on Cicero, Dionysius and Aristides 1913 Isocrates Isokrates' Panegyrikos: Für Den Schulgebrauch Isocrates, Isocrates Isocrates: 1 The Panegyricus Of Isocrates: From The Text Of Bremi. With English Notes Isocrates: Cyprian Orations: Evagoras, Ad Nicoclem, Nicocles Aut Cyprii Isocrates: Tomus 2 Isocrates The Evagoras