Priyanka, Jagtap Caregiver's perception of the causes of schizophrenia and the training needs of family and professional institutional caregivers related to the patient's lack of rehabilitation
Priyanka, Jagtap Caregiver's perception of the causes of schizophrenia and the training needs of family and professional institutional caregivers related to the patient's lack of rehabilitation
CHATUR चतुर [paperback] Pranav Sakhdeo,Anuja Jagtap,Anwar Hussain [Oct 04, 2022]…
CHATUR चतुर [paperback] Pranav Sakhdeo,Anuja Jagtap,Anwar Hussain [Oct 04, 2022]…
Jagtap, Jitendra Tulshiram Valutazione della tossicità del cloruro di tri-butilstagno organostatale: Un caso di studio di Lamellidens marginalis
Jagtap, Jitendra Tulshiram Valutazione della tossicità del cloruro di tri-butilstagno organostatale: Un caso di studio di Lamellidens marginalis