Ball, Francis Elrington A History Of The County Dublin: Clonsilla, Leixlip, Lucan, Aderrig, Kilmactalway, Kilbride, Kilmahuddrick, Esker, Palmerston, Ballyfermot, Clondalkin, ... St. James, St. Jude, And Chapelizod, As
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Routh, Martin Joseph Reliquiae Sacrae, Sive, Auctorum Fere Jam Perditorum: Secundi Tertiique Saeculi Post Christum Natum Quae Supersunt. Accedunt Synodi, Et Epistolae ... Recensuit, Notisque Illustravit; Volume 5
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Readdy, Francis Joseph Determination of the Skin Friction Drag of a Large Flat Plate of Different Finishes From Boundary Layer Investigation.
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